Our two governments agreed that the Strategy will form an annex of the Strategic Partnership signed on 15 March 2018 and link directly to the Plan of Action to Implement the Strategic Partnership for the period 2020 to 2023, signed on 5 November 2020, of which enhancing economic engagement is one of three priority areas. It was also agreed that the Strategy would include practical cooperation that both countries will undertake to reach our shared goal, to be detailed in the Strategy’s Implementation Plan.
Herein comprises the Implementation Plan under the Strategy for the initial period of 2021 to 2025, to align with the duration of Vietnam’s current National Socio-economic Development Plan. The Implementation Plan is structured in line with the Strategy, and outlines areas of practical cooperation in key sectors and more broadly on promoting trade and investment across both countries’ economies.
In recognition of their importance in achieving sustainable economic development, all initiatives under this Implementation Plan will incorporate the principles of inclusion and equality, with particular attention to gender-equality and women’s economic empowerment.
The Implementation Plan will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary though the bilateral Economic Partnership Meeting under the Strategic Partnership and other bilateral economic architecture. Progress of implementation activities will be reviewed annually through these mechanisms.
Any technical assistance or capacity building provided to Vietnam as part of an initiative under this Implementation Plan will complement and not duplicate assistance provided by other Australian-funded programs, as well as by other partners.