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Australian Ambassadors and other representatives

Australian Ambassadors and other representatives

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Amanda McGregor

Special Representative on Afghanistan

Ms Amanda McGregor

Ambassador to Austria

Mr Ian Biggs

High Commissioner to Bangladesh

Ms Susan Ryle


Ambassador to Belgium


Portrait of Ms Sophie Davies.


High Commissioner to Brunei Darussalam


Ambassador to Cambodia

Mr Derek Yip


High Commissioner to Canada

Ambassador to Chile

Mr Andrew Martin


Scott Dewar

Ambassador to China

Mr Scott Dewar

Portrait of Anna Chrisp.

Portrait Phoebe Smith

High Commissioner to Cook Islands

Ms Phoebe Smith

High Commissioner to Cyprus

Ms Fiona McKergow


Ambassador to Ethiopia


Mr Ewen McDonald

High Commissioner to Fiji and Special Envoy for the Pacific and Regional Affairs

Mr Ewen McDonald

Ambassador to France

Ms Lynette Wood


Consul-General in French Polynesia, Papeete

Ms Berenice Owen-Jones

High Commissioner to Ghana

Ms Berenice Owen-Jones

Alison Duncan


Ambassador to the Holy See

Philip Green OAM

High Commissioner to India

Mr Philip Green OAM

Silai Zaki

Portrait of Huge Boylan.

Consul-General in India, Mumbai

Mr Paul Murphy


Ambassador to Indonesia


Jo Stevens

Ian McConville

Ambassador to Iran

Mr Ian McConville

Mr Glenn Miles

Ambassador to Iraq

Mr Glenn Miles


Ambassador to Ireland

Dr Ralph King

Ambassador to Israel

Dr Ralph King

Thumbnail of Bernard Lynch.

Jenny Da Rin

High Commissioner to Kenya

Ms Jenny Da Rin

High Commissioner to Kiribati

Ms Karen Bray

Portrait of Melissa Kelly

Portrait of Megan Jones

Ambassador to Laos

Ms Megan Jones

Headshot of Danielle Heinecke

High Commissioner to Malaysia

Ms Danielle Heinecke

Matt Skelly

High Commissioner to Malta

Mr Matt Skelly

Ms Kate Chamley

Portrait of Katie Smith


Ambassador to Morocco

High Commissioner to Nauru

Mr Matthew Barclay


Dr Greg French

Ambassador to the Netherlands

Dr Greg French

Portrait of Harinder Sidhu.

High Commissioner to New Zealand

Ms Harinder Sidhu AM

Leilani Bin-Juda PSM

High Commissioner to Nigeria

Ms Leilani Bin-Juda PSM

High Commissioner to Niue

Ms Olivia Phongkham


Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Mr Neil Hawkins

High Commissioner to Pakistan

Mr Neil Hawkins

High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea

Mr John Feakes

Ambassador to Peru

Ms Maree Ringland

Portrait of Hk Yu

Ambassador to the Philippines


Shane Flanagan

John Geering

Ambassador to Russia

Mr John Geering

Portrait of Will Robinson.

High Commissioner to Samoa

Mr Will Robinson


Ambassador to Serbia


Mr Allaster Cox portrait

High Commissioner to Singapore

Mr Allaster Cox

Mr Rod Hilton

High Commissioner to Solomon Islands

Mr Rod Hilton

Portrait of Ms Tegan Brink.

High Commissioner to South Africa

Ms Tegan Brink

Mr Paul Stephens

High Commissioner to Sri Lanka

Mr Paul Stephens

Mr Robert Fergusson

Representative, Australian Office, Taiwan

Mr Robert Fergusson

Portrait of Brek Batley.

High Commissioner to the Kingdom of Tonga

Mr Brek Batley

Portrait Sonya Koppe

Portrait of David Charlton, smiling

High Commissioner to Tuvalu

Mr David Charlton

Headshot of Paul Lehmann

Mr Stephen Smith

High Commissioner to the United Kingdom

The Hon Stephen Smith

Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York

Mr James Larsen


Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations and to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva

High Commissioner to Vanuatu

Mr Max Willis


Ambassador to Vietnam


Headshot of James Baxter

Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the WTO, Geneva

Mr James Baxter

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