Financial statement 1998-99
Australian Studies
Australian Studies Infrastructure Grants: To enable Australian Studies Centres to develop their work by maintaining a regular program of activities and covering basic expenses |
54 061 |
Australian Studies: Affiliate memberships for Australian Studies Centres: International Australian Studies Association and Association for the Study of Australian Literature |
1 198 |
Australian Studies Infrastructure Grants: Supply of books, journals, and other research materials to Australian Studies centres |
5 355 |
Sixth International Conference on Australian Studies in China: 26-29 October 1998, Peking University |
28 521 |
Australia-China Council visiting fellowships: To enable senior and middle-level researchers in China to spend three months in Australia, conducting research into an aspect of Australian Studies |
20 000 |
Australia-China Council visiting studentships: To enable postgraduate students at a institution of higher education in China to spend six months in Australia conducting field work as part of their postgraduate program |
24 565 |
Taiwan: Support for program in cooperation with Griffith University and The University of Melbourne to promote the development of Australian Studies in Taiwan |
70 000 |
Exchanges and study programs
Australia-China Short-Term Study Program: Support for a group of high-school students to undertake a program of structured language tuition within a school environment in China |
37 000 |
Australian Young Scholars in China: Support for five secondary-school graduates to undertake a formal study program of Chinese language in China |
75 000 |
China Skills Traineeships: Final payment for 1997 awardees undertaking academic study and work experience in China |
21 387 |
Internet and publishing
China-Australia Electronic Information Centre (CAEIC): Development of an Internet site at the National Library of China as a 'Gateway into Australia' to provide access to information on Australia |
47 998 |
Wilson Sarre & Associates: Preparation of material for collaborative project with People's Education Press to develop a series of reading materials with content on Australia for Chinese senior high schools |
23 000 |
Publishing program: Payment relating to publication in Chinese of Moonlite by David Foster |
2 000 |
Sub-total programs |
410 085 |
Asialink Centre: Support for 1998 Asialink Residency Program: three residencies in performing arts, visual arts and literature |
18 000 |
Biennale of Sydney 1998: Support for participation by four artists from China and one from Hong Kong |
30 000 |
Gulliver Media Australia: Production of documentary stories on Australian science and technology for China Central Television |
12 000 |
Reckless Moments: Performance tour to China by the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, October 1998 |
50 000 |
Sherman Galleries: Support for The Rose Crossing exhibition tour of Hong Kong |
20 000 |
Australian Ballet: Support for performances in Shanghai, June 1999 |
35 000 |
Australian Multicultural Foundation: NAB language certificates |
5 000 |
Canberra Chinese Language Teachers' Society: Support for Fifth Australian National Chinese Teachers' Conference, Canberra, June 1999 |
500 |
Science and technology
Australian Commerce and Industry Office, Taipei: Support for Virtual Australian Technology Week on the Internet, April 1999 |
20 000 |
Australian Seed and Propagation Technology Centre, University of Queensland: Support for collaborative workshop at the China Agricultural University in Beijing with view to establishing collaborative teaching and training programs in seed and plant propagation technology |
10 000 |
Siemens Ltd: Promotion of Australian aviation industry at China Aviation Summit |
2 000 |
Contemporary China Centre, Australian National University: Support for publication of The China Journal |
10 000 |
Council delegation visit to Beijing (24-30 October 1998): In association with Sixth International Conference on Australian Studies in China, Peking University, and 71st Council meeting |
33 340 |
Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) delegation visit to Australia (6-12 April 1999): Six-member delegation led by CPAFFC President Mr Qi Huaiyuan |
18 220 |
Sub-total delegations |
51 560 |
Council meetings
Travel and accommodation |
7 423 |
Council members' sitting fees |
3 758 |
Incidentals (advertising, postage, couriers, taxi) |
4 302 |
Annual report and information brochure |
9 362 |
Sub-total administration |
24 845 |
Balance in trust fund as at 1 July 1998 |
115 031 |
1998-99 trust fund allocation |
636 000 |
Total available funding |
751 031 |
Projects |
410 085 |
Total expenditure |
698 990 |
Balance in trust fund as at 30 June 1999 |
52 041 |
Footnote: $800 refunded from 1997 Conference of Publications in Chinese on Australian Subjects project in Shanghai then returned to Department of Education Training and Youth Affairs which contributed to original grant.
