Appendix B: IAEA Statements of Conclusions and Other Inspection Findings for Australia in 2019–20
IAEA inspection regime in Australia
The IAEA conducts verification activities (under different names, but all essentially inspections) in Australia under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement3 and under the Additional Protocol,4 with the scope and focus differing between these two agreements.
Under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement the IAEA conducts inspections to verify nuclear material inventory and facility design features. There are three types of inspection conducted in Australia each year under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement:
- Physical inventory verification (PIV): a scheduled inspection in a selected material balance area (MBA)5 to verify the stocktake of physical inventory (known as a physical inventory taking) from that MBA. PIVs involve a more complete verification of inventory than short notice random inspections (SNRI,6 see below). The frequency of PIVs depends on the types and quantities of nuclear material held in each MBA. In Australia's case, PIVs are scheduled annually for the OPAL reactor (AS-F), ANSTO's R&D laboratories (AS-C), and ANSTO's storage areas (AS-D). PIVs for each MBA are scheduled together each year so the IAEA can complete all with one visit to Australia. In total these usually take five days to complete in conjunction with DIVs (see below). For MBAs AS-E, ASE1 and AS-I, the IAEA schedules a PIV approximately once every four years for AS-E/ASE1 combined, selecting one location (usually a university) taken as a representative sample of all such locations; and once every four years for one of CSIRO's locations in MBA AS-I. These PIVs are usually conducted in one day.
- Short notice random inspection (SNRI): an inspection called by the IAEA at a random time with limited notice. The IAEA calls an SNRI once or twice each year at the OPAL reactor with three hours' notice to ASNO and ANSTO. These inspections usually last for one or two days.
- Design information verification (DIV): an inspection to verify the correctness and completeness of the design features of a facility relevant to the application of safeguards. The IAEA typically conducts a few DIVs together with annual PIVs.
Under the Additional Protocol the IAEA has the right to conduct verification activities (essentially inspections) known as complementary access. A complementary access may have three purposes: assuring the absence of undeclared nuclear material or activities in Australia (Article 4.a.i); resolving any questions or inconsistencies related to the correctness and completeness of Australia's declarations under the Additional Protocol (Article 4.a.ii); or, confirming the decommissioned status of a facility (Article 4.a.iii). The IAEA has conducted a total of 79 complementary accesses in Australia since 1998. Article 4.a.i complementary accesses are the most common. Since 1998 the IAEA has conducted only two complementary accesses under article 4.a.ii, and one under Article 4.a.iii. Complementary access activities called while IAEA inspectors are already on the ANSTO site for other inspections can be conducted at any building on site with two hours' notice. Complementary access activities for locations outside ANSTO (e.g. universities, uranium mines) require a minimum of 24 hours' notice, but given the considerable distances in Australia are often issued with at least several days' notice. The IAEA typically conducts two to three complementary access activities in Australia each year, a few at ANSTO buildings, and one outside of ANSTO.
IAEA conclusions on Australia's compliance
The IAEA's conclusions for Australia are provided at two levels: the IAEA's overarching summary of findings and conclusions published in the IAEA's Safeguards Statement for 2019 (see Appendix C) for all States with safeguards agreements with the IAEA, including Australia; and the statements of conclusions of inspections in Australia.
The highest level conclusion the IAEA draws, known as the ‘broader conclusion', is in paragraph 1(a) of the Safeguards Statement:
‘the Secretariat found no indication of the diversion of declared nuclear material from peaceful nuclear activities and no indication of undeclared nuclear material or activities. On this basis, the Secretariat concluded that, for these States, all nuclear material remained in peaceful activities.'
Australia is on the list of countries covered by the IAEA's broader conclusion in the Safeguards Statement for 2019. Australia was the first country to receive the ‘broader conclusion' in ٢٠٠0 and has received it every year since.
The IAEA's statements of conclusions related to inspections in Australia are provided in several ways:
- Article 91(a) of Australia's Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: the results of inspections at individual material balance areas (MBAs).
- Article 91(b) of Australia's Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: the conclusions the IAEA has drawn from all its verification activities (headquarters analysis and inspections) in Australia for each individual MBA.7
- Statement of results of design information verification activities (DIVs).
- Article 10.a of the Additional Protocol: Statement on complementary access activities undertaken.
- Article 10.b of the Additional Protocol: Statement of results of activities in respect of any questions or inconsistencies the IAEA has raised with Australia
- Article 10.c of the Additional Protocol: Statement on the conclusions the IAEA has drawn from complementary access activities.
IAEA conclusions and findings for each Material Balance Area
Material balance area: AS-C (research and development laboratories)
Material balance period: 2 May 2018–7 May 2019
Inspection activity | Date(s) of inspection | Inspection location | Statement of results | Date statement provided |
Physical Inventory Verification | 8–9 May 2019 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results of this inspection were satisfactory" | 18 July 2019 |
Design Information Verification | 8–9 May 2019 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results of the DIV were satisfactory" | 18 July 2019 |
91(b) Statement of Conclusions (3 October 2019) |
"The IAEA has concluded from its verification activities carried out at AS-C during the material balance period from 2 May 2018 to 7 May 2019, and based on the information available to date in connection with such activities, that all declared nuclear material has been accounted for and that there were no indications of the undeclared presence, production or processing of nuclear material. The Agency continues to monitor the amount of material left unverified and notes the work being carried out jointly between the State, the Facility Operator and the Agency to develop specialty equipment which will remedy this situation. The Agency is hopeful that during the next year the equipment will become fully operational and allow the verification of irradiated material currently left unverified in AS-C." |
Material balance area: AS-C (research and development laboratories)
Material balance period: 8 May 2019–3 June 2020
Inspection activity | Date(s) of inspection | Inspection location | Statement of results | Date statement provided |
Physical Inventory Verification | 4–10 June 2020 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results from this inspection were satisfactory" | 27 July 2020 |
Design Information Verification | 4–10 June 2020 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results of the DIV were satisfactory" | 27 July 2020 |
91(b) Statement of Conclusions | Not available at time of publication of this Annual Report |
Material balance area: AS-D (vault storage)
Material balance period: 4 May 2018–5 May 2019
Inspection activity | Date(s) of inspection | Inspection location | Statement of results | Date statement provided |
Physical Inventory Verification | 6 May 2019 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results of this inspection were satisfactory" | 2 August 2019 |
Design Information Verification | 6 May 2019 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results of the DIV were satisfactory" | 2 August 2019 |
91(b) Statement of Conclusions (28 October 2019) |
"The IAEA has concluded from its verification activities carried out at AS-D during the material balance period from 4 May 2018 to 5 May 2019, and based on the information available to date in connection with such activities, that all declared nuclear material has been accounted for and that there were no indications of the undeclared presence, production or processing of nuclear material." |
Material balance area: AS-D (vault storage)
Material balance period: 6 May 2019–2 June 2020
Inspection activity | Date(s) of inspection | Inspection location | Statement of results | Date statement provided |
Physical Inventory Verification | 3 June 2020 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results from this inspection were satisfactory" | 27 July 2020 |
Design Information Verification | 3 June 2020 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results of the DIV were satisfactory" | 27 July 2020 |
91(b) Statement of Conclusions | Not available at time of publication of this Annual Report |
Material balance area: AS-F (OPAL)
Material balance period: 1 May 2018–6 May 2019
Inspection activity | Date(s) of inspection | Inspection location | Statement of results | Date statement provided |
Short Notice Random Inspection | 9–10 October 2018 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results from this inspection were satisfactory" | 1 February 2019 |
Physical Inventory Verification | 7 May 2019 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results of this inspection were satisfactory" | 2 August 2019 |
Design Information Verification | 7 May 2019 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results of the DIV were satisfactory" | 2 August 2019 |
91(b) Statement of Conclusions (3 October 2019) |
"The IAEA has concluded from its verification activities carried out at AS-F during the material balance period from 1 May 2018 to 6 May 2019, and based on the information available to date in connection with such activities, that all declared nuclear material has been accounted for and that there were no indications of the undeclared presence, production or processing of nuclear material." |
Material balance area: AS-F (OPAL)
Material balance period: 7 May 2019–1 June 2020
Inspection activity | Date(s) of inspection | Inspection location | Statement of results | Date statement provided |
Short Notice Random Inspection | 8–9 October 2019 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results from this inspection were satisfactory" | 21 January 2020 |
Short Notice Random Inspection | 3 February 2020 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results from this inspection were satisfactory" | 6 May 2020 |
Physical Inventory Verification | 2 June 2020 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results from this inspection were satisfactory" | 27 July 2020 |
Design Information Verification | 2 June 2020 | ANSTO | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results of the DIV were satisfactory" | 27 July 2020 |
91(b) Statement of Conclusions | Not available at time of publication of this Annual Report |
Material balance area: AS-I (CSIRO)
Material balance period: 28 February 2018–30 June 2018
Inspection activity | Date(s) of inspection | Inspection location | Statement of results | Date statement provided |
Physical Inventory Verification | 3 May 2019 | CSIRO – Black Mountain, ACT | "Based on the activities conducted and the information available to date in connection with such activities, the results of this inspection were satisfactory" | 10 October 2019 |
91(b) Statement of Conclusions (31 January 2020) |
"The IAEA has concluded from its verification activities carried out at AS-I during the material balance period from 28 February 2018 to 30 June 2018, and based on the information available to date in connection with such activities, that all declared nuclear material has been accounted for and that there were no indications of the undeclared presence, production or processing of nuclear material." |
Additional Protocol Assessment Period: 1 January 2018–31 December 2018
Date of Complementary Access (CA) | Location | 10(a) Statement of activities | Date statement provided |
27 April 2018 | CSIRO – Clayton, VIC | "The IAEA was able to carry out all planned activities during the CA" | 28 August 2018 |
9 October 2018 | Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre: Buildings 3 and 20B. | "The IAEA was able to carry out all planned activities during the CA" | 10 January 2019 |
11 October 2018 | Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre: Buildings 54, 80 and 88. | "The IAEA was able to carry out all planned activities during the CA" | 28 January 2019 |
10(c) Statement of Conclusions (18 November 2019) | "The Agency has concluded from its activities carried out during this period, and based on the information available to date in connection with such activities that access pursuant to Article 4.a.(i) did not indicate the presence of undeclared nuclear material or activities at:
Additional Protocol Assessment Period: 1 January 2019–31 December 2019
Date of Complementary Access (CA) | Location | 10(a) Statement of activities | Date statement provided |
9 May 2019 | Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre: Buildings 21B Ext, 21E and 21H | "The IAEA was able to carry out all planned activities during the CA" | 27 August 2019 |
20 May 2019 | Beverley and Four Mile uranium mines (Heathgate Resources) | "The IAEA was able to carry out all planned activities during the CA" | 27 August 2019 |
8 October 2019 | Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre (PN001-ANSTO): Buildings 80, 41, 88, 54 | "The IAEA was able to carry out all planned activities during the CA" | 7 January 2020 |
10(c) Statement of Conclusions (9 March 2020) |
"The Agency has concluded from its activities carried out during this period, and based on the information available to date in connection with such activities that access pursuant to Article 4.a.(i) did not indicate the presence of undeclared nuclear material or activities at:
Additional Protocol Assessment Period: 1 January 2020–31 December 2020
Date of Complementary Access (CA) | Location | 10(a) Statement of activities | Date statement provided |
4 February 2020 | Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre: Buildings 88, 23A/B, 54 | "The IAEA was able to carry out all planned activities during the CA" | 5 March 2020 |
11 June 2020 | Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre: Buildings 93, 91 | "The IAEA was able to carry out all planned activities during the CA" | 30 July 2020 |
10(c) Statement of Conclusions | 10(c) statements of conclusions are provided early in the year following the assessment period |
3 See Schedule 3 of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation (Safeguards) Act 1987.
4 Published in IAEA document INFCIRC/540 (corrected).
5 Australia's material balance areas for IAEA safeguards are described in Table 4 in Output 1.1.
6 ASNO uses the term ‘short notice random inspections' for these inspections because they are performed on short notice on a date chosen by the IAEA at random. These inspections may also be referred to as ‘random interim inspections' because they do not coincide with the ending date of a material balance period.
7 Note: under the standard NPT safeguards agreement printed in IAEA document INFCIRC/153 these provisions are in paragraphs 90(a) and 90(b). Australia's Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement has an additional paragraph that is not in INFCIRC/153.