Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office Annual Report 2019-20

ASNO Annual Report 2019-20

This report complies with the formal reporting obligations of the Director General ASNO. It provides an overview of ASNO's role and performance in supporting nuclear safeguards and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Publication details


Director General ASNO
Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office (ASNO)
RG Casey Building, John McEwen Crescent
BARTON ACT 0221, Australia

PHONE +61 (2) 6261 1920
FAX +61 (2) 6261 1908
MEDIA +61 (2) 6261 1555


Book (softcover) – 978–1–74322–543–1
PDF document – 978–1–74322–544–8
Word document – 978–1–74322–545–5
Web page – 978–1–74322–546–2


With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted (including photographs protected by copyright), this report is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence.

The report should be attributed as the Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office Annual Report 2019–2020.


The terms under which the Coat of Arms can be used are detailed on the It's an Honour website.

Guide to the report

This report complies with the formal reporting obligations of the Director General ASNO. It provides an overview of ASNO’s role and performance in supporting nuclear safeguards and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

The report has six parts:

  • report by the Director General ASNO on key non-proliferation developments in 2019–20 and a preview of the year ahead
  • summary of current major issues
  • functional overview of ASNO, including its operating environment and outcomes
  • outputs structure – the first outcome demonstrates accountability to Government; the second outlines public outreach and education
  • report on ASNO's performance during 2019–20
  • key features of ASNO's corporate governance and the processes by which ASNO is directed, administered and held accountable.

Because ASNO is funded as a division of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), some mandatory annual report information for ASNO is incorporated in the DFAT Annual Report. This includes:

  • financial statements
  • corporate governance and accountability framework
  • external scrutiny
  • human resource management, including work health and safety
  • asset management
  • purchasing
  • agency-specific social inclusion strategies
  • advertising and market research
  • ecologically sustainable development and environmental performance.

List of Tables

  1. Table 1: Key data related to the CPPNM and its Amendment.
  2. Table 2: UOC (U3O8) export and nuclear electricity statistics
  3. Table 3: ASNO's Outcomes and Outputs Structure
  4. Table 4: Material Balance Areas (MBAs) in Australia for IAEA safeguards purposes
  5. Table 5: Number of line entries in inventory and inventory change reports submitted by ASNO to the IAEA for each MBA
  6. Table 6: Number of line entries (by report type) submitted by ASNO to the IAEA across all MBAs
  7. Table 7: Nuclear Material in Australia at 30 June 2020
  8. Table 8: Associated Items in Australia at 30 June 2020
  9. Table 9: Number of Entries Made under the Additional Protocol
  10. Table 10: Status of Permits and Authorities under the Safeguards Act as at 30 June 2020
  11. Table 11: Main classes of Permits and Authorities
  12. Table 12: IAEA Safeguards Inspections 2019–20
  13. Table 13: Inventory Differences Recorded during 2019–20
  14. Table 14: Distribution of Permits Holders according to security category
  15. Table 15: Summary of net accumulated AONM by category, quantity and location at 31 December 2019
  16. Table 16: Supply of Australian uranium by region during 2019
  17. Table 17: Summary of AONM Transfers during 2019
  18. Table 18: Permits for CWC-Scheduled Chemical Facilities
  19. Table 19: DPRK Nuclear Test Explosions
  20. Table 20: ASNO Staff at 30 June 2020
  21. Table 21: Training and Development Activities during 2019–20
  22. Table 22: ASNO Administrative Costs
  23. Table 23: ASNO Regulatory Performance Framework Metrics 2019–20
  24. Table-24: Australia's Nuclear Cooperation Agreements at 30 June 2020