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New Australian Volunteer Program Request for Tender Process: Frequently Asked Questions

Will the new program be any different to the current program?

The New Volunteer Program will largely build on the existing program, which is seen to be providing strong development outcomes. The new program will, shift away from the current multi-partner AVID program to a single contractor model to improve efficiency and value for money. The new program will also look to place a greater emphasis on innovation, public diplomacy, organisational partnerships and attracting a more diverse cohort of Australians to volunteer.

All information related to requirements for for the new Australian Volunteers program is available on AusTender

Why is DFAT now seeking to contract only one provider for the program?

The new program will shift away from the current multi-partner AVID program to a single contractor model to improve efficiency and value for money and driving strategic outcomes. DFAT welcomes proposals by consortia, as well as tender proposals from individual organisations. The new program places a heavy emphasis on supporting and funding partnerships to ensure and increase diversity while gaining management efficiencies. This decision was made after extensive consultations. A more comprehensive explanation of this decision is contained within the following documents, posted on DFAT's business opportunities page:

Will current AVID volunteers continue their assignments after 31 December 2017?

It is DFAT's priority to support volunteers to complete their assignments as planned. Assignments due to be completed after 1 January 2018, will continue as planned. Support arrangements will be transitioned to the new Contractor from 1 January 2018. AVID in-country managers will provide information and assistance to volunteers throughout this process in late 2017.

Will current host organisations continue to have new volunteers after 1 January 2018?

As previously, host organisations will be selected in accordance with criteria set by DFAT and the Contractor. More detailed information on any changes to the selection of host organisations will be provided prior to the commencement of the new program on 1 January 2018. Host organisations will continue to engage with their current in country management contacts unless notified otherwise.

Will volunteer allowances and conditions change under the new contractor?

These arrangements will be determined following the selection of the successful contractor. If any change is undertaken any affected volunteers will be notified as soon as decision is made to either review or change these arrangements, most likely by October 2017.

Last Updated: 13 December 2016
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