Non-government organisations (NGOs)
Australian NGOs must be accredited by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to be eligible for funding under the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).
The accreditation process provides the Department and the Australian public with confidence that the Australian Government is funding professional, well managed, community-based organisations that are capable of delivering quality development outcomes.
The following is a complete list of accredited Australian NGOs with links to their external websites.
Full accreditation
- Act for Peace–National Council of Churches Australia (NCCA)
- Action on Poverty
- ActionAid Australia
- Adventist Development & Relief Agency (ADRA)
- Anglicans in Development (AID)
- Anglican Overseas Aid
- Australian Doctors International (ADI)
- Australian Himalayan Foundation (AHF)
- Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS)
- Burnet Institute
- CARE Australia
- Caritas Australia
- CBM Australia
- ChildFund Australia
- Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB)
- Family Planning NSW (FPNSW)
- Global Mission Partners
- Good Return
- Habitat for Humanity Australia
- International Needs Australia (INA)
- International Nepal Fellowship (INF) Australia
- International Women's Development Agency (IWDA)
- Mary Mackillop Today
- MSI Asia Pacific
- Opportunity International Australia (OIA)
- Oxfam Australia
- Palmera Projects
- PLAN International Australia
- Quaker Service Australia (QSA)
- Save the Children Australia (SCA)
- So they Can
- SurfAid International Australia
- Tearfund
- The Fred Hollows Foundation (FHF)
- The Kokoda Track Foundation (KTF)
- The Leprosy Mission Australia (TLMA)
- Transform Aid International
- Union Aid Abroad–APHEDA
- UnitingWorld
- WaterAid Australia
- World Vision Australia (WVA)
- UNICEF Australia
Base accreditation
- Assisi Aid Projects
- Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM)
- Brien Holden Vision Institute Foundation
- Diplomacy Training Program (DTP)
- Edmund Rice Foundation Australia
- FemiliPNG Australia
- Hagar Australia
- Interplast Australia and New Zealand
- Kyeema Foundation
- NTA–East Indonesia Aid (Nusa Tenggara Association)
- Reledev Australia Limited
- Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS)
- Salvation Army International Development (SAID)
- SeeBeyondBorders Australia
- Sight for All
- WWF–Australia