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International Trade Network

The International Trade Network, hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, provides opportunities to connect and engage people working on, or with an interest in, international trade and investment policy.

The Network brings together trade professionals in Australia from government, the private sector, thinktanks, academia and the diplomatic corps to enhance dialogue and collaboration on trade and investment policy issues, including linkages to broader foreign and domestic policies. It's also open to future trade professionals who want to learn more about trade and investment policy.

The Network will hold a range of activities throughout the year, including panel discussions, and networking opportunities, both online and in-person in Canberra, Australia. It will also promote career opportunities in international trade, particularly among groups traditionally underrepresented in this field.

On 13 July 2023, we celebrated the launch of the International Trade Network at DFAT’s RG Casey Building in Canberra. US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy joined DFAT Secretary Jan Adams in a panel discussion on economic engagement in the Indo-Pacific, moderated by Emeritus Professor Peter Drysdale from the Australian National University. The Secretary and Ambassador Kennedy covered policy challenges presented by climate change and geopolitical shifts, and the role of the global trading system, regional architecture, and bilateral engagement in building resilience and promoting economic security in our region. The launch brought together trade professionals from across government, the diplomatic corps, the private sector, think tanks and academia, with over 120 guests in the DFAT atrium, and 140 participating virtually.

. US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy joined DFAT Secretary Jan Adams in a panel discussion on economic engagement in the Indo-Pacific, moderated by Emeritus Professor Peter Drysdale from the Australian National University

Join DFAT's International Trade Network to receive invitations to Network events and other information relating to Australia's trade and investment policies. Membership is free and open to current and aspiring trade professionals at all stages of their career.

Upcoming events*

April 2025Trade and the Pacific
2nd Qtr 2025Trade Policy in 2025 – the new paradigm
3rd Qtr 2025Australia in the G20 and APEC (TBC)
4th Qtr 2025Trade and Technology (TBC)

*Schedule subject to change. Events generally conducted under the Chatham House Rule.

Previous events

13 July 2023Official LaunchUS Ambassador Caroline Kennedy joined DFAT Secretary Jan Adams in a panel discussion on geostrategic interests and economic engagement in the Indo-Pacific, moderated by Emeritus Professor Peter Drysdale from the Australian National University. 
8 September 2023First Nations Trade PanelThe Ambassador for First Nations People Justin Mohamed joined panellists to discuss embedding First Nations perspectives and interests into Australia’s international trade engagement and support for First Nations businesses globally.
3 October 2023Climate Change and Trade PanelPanellists discussed how international trade and investment, and the global rules that underpin them, can contribute to a whole of economy transition towards net zero.
7 December 2023Digital Trade PanelPanellists discussed maximising Australia’s trade opportunities by shaping an enabling environment for digital trade.
19 March 2024Gender and TradePanel on Gender and Trade Policy – Taking gender equality from policy to practice
31 July 2024 Reglobalisation – The Future of Trade PanelPanellists explored the future of trade and the multilateral trading system in a changing landscape, responding to decarbonisation, the energy transition, supply chain dependencies, and national security considerations.
14 August 2024Global strategic competition and technological innovationWith keynote remarks by Director-General of the World Intellectual Property Organization, Daren Tang, panellists explored Intellectual Property and its role in trade and international relations, including contemporary challenges, such as geostrategic contest, technological advances and AI. 
29 November 2024Economic Resilience and Security Panel 

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