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Non-government organisations (NGOs)

Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) partnership


DFAT's partnership with the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) is a key mechanism for pursuing DFAT's objective of working with NGOs to achieve the goals of the Australian aid program.

ACFID is the peak body for Australian international development non-government organisations (NGOs). DFAT's partnership with ACFID is formalised in a Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (2019-24).

The purpose of this partnership is to support collaboration between DFAT and ACFID that assists DFAT and the Australian NGO development sector to contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic development, poverty reduction, and human rights for all.

The partnership will support collaboration on the following objectives:

  1. Enhanced policy and practice dialogue between DFAT and the Australian NGO sector through ACFID, facilitating a two way flow of knowledge and ideas to increase development effectiveness; and
  2. Increased capability, effectiveness and accountability of the Australian NGO development sector, through standard setting and organisational development.

This Partnership Memorandum of Understanding builds on over many years of engagement between the Australian Government and ACFID in international development. This has included funding since the 1970s and a formal partnership since 2009.

The partnership expresses the commitment of both partners to a constructive relationship between DFAT and the Australian NGO sector. ACFID represents Australian NGOs as key domestic stakeholders in the Australian aid program with an extensive support base in the Australian public. Both DFAT and ACFID benefit from a relationship based on mutual trust and respect that provides a foundation for open and honest communication, and for collaboration to deliver mutual benefits.

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