Business opportunities
DFAT has a requirement for a contractor to design and implement the Samoa Human Development and Social Inclusion Program (SHDSI). The program will deliver Australia's commitments in the latter phase of the Samoa COVID-19 Development Response Plan (2020-22) (CRP) and then help build the human development foundations required for Samoa's economic recovery and continued stability thereafter. The program is anticipated to be AUD37 million and run for up to eight years (four plus four).
It is anticipated that a Request for Tender (RFT) for the SHDSI will be issued in July 2021 via AusTender. The program Investment Concept Note is attached for information.
By many metrics, Samoa has made remarkable progress since the turn of the millennium. The country has the highest life expectancy in the Pacific. The maternal mortality ratio has nearly halved in the last two decades. Net enrolment rates for primary and secondary education have grown steadily since 2000. These positive changes must be celebrated. Yet behind these headlines lays a more mixed pictures; one in which there are pockets of stalled progress, a reversal of gains and even decline.
Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has had and will continue to have a significant impact on the Samoan economy, the service delivery environment, and household wellbeing. Samoa – like all countries – finds itself in challenging or unchartered waters. Decisions made now will have repercussions for the country, its businesses, and its citizens for years to come.
The goal of the Investment is to accelerate progress towards improved human development outcomes for all Samoans, e.g. as reflected in improved learning outcomes for all and improved prevention, control and management of communicable and non-communicable diseases and will bring the fields of health, education, social protection, gender, and disability under one investment. It is anticipated there will be three end-of-investment-outcomes (EIOs), all of which would reflect the collective endeavour of DFAT, the GOS, the Investment Manager, and the delivery partners:
- Government and non-government providers deliver higher quality essential services and programs [i.e. quality].
- More people have access to essential services and programs (e.g. SRHR, VAWG counselling, social protection), including women, girls, people with disabilities and vulnerable people [i.e. access and equity].
- Australian assistance incentivises the Government of Samoa to address policy reform, system bottlenecks and pursue collaborative partnerships and innovation to maximise resources and improve service delivery outcomes [i.e. ways of working and sustained benefits].
The program aims to deliver key policy priorities, and agreed operating principles, across the five sectors – health, education, gender, disability and social protection and support partners by influencing or intervening in the system.
- Samoa Human Development and Social Inclusion Program Investment Concept Note [DOCX 146 KB]
- Samoa Human Development and Social Inclusion Program Investment Concept Note [PDF 461 KB]
This information is provided for planning purposes only and it does not represent solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment to purchase or tender for any described services. The scale, scope and focus of any proposed program may change at any time and is subject to formal approval by the Australian and partner governments before any procurement process will commence. Should a procurement be approved, it is expected to commence in November 2021. This information is subject to delays, revision, or cancellations.