This report is the World Bank's fourth annual country status report to the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). It documents operations financed through the Catalytic Fund (CF) for which the World Bank is the Supervising Entity.
This report is the World Bank's fourth annual country status report to the Global Partnership for Education (GPE - previously the Education for All-Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI)). It documents operations financed through the Catalytic Fund (CF) for which the World Bank is the Supervising Entity.
The Country Summaries presented in the report are based on updated implementation status and results reports that are the standard progress reports required by the World Bank. The report reflects the situation as of the end of February 2012. In previous years the progress report included a general overview of the status of the education sector in each country. However, due to the development of the results framework for GPE, the overall reporting for the sector will in future be provided by the GPE Secretariat. Therefore, this progress report only includes the status and progress of the specific operations supported by the CF.