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Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) Phase III: Investment Design Document

Summary of publication

The Investment Design details Australia's planned support through the Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) Phase III over four years from 2016 to 2019.

KEIP is the framework within which Australia and other development partners are supporting the Kiribati Ministry of Education to implement its Education Sector Strategic Plan (2016-2019). The goal of KEIP Phase III is that young I-Kiribati finish basic education with the knowledge and skills to contribute to a productive and resilient Kiribati community. Phase III will consolidate the achievements of Phases I and II in improving teaching and learning outcomes in years 1-4, and expand its focus to years 5-6 and Junior Secondary Schools. The intended outcomes are:

  1. Improved learning outcomes for basic education for I-Kiribati girls and boys, including children with a disability; and
  2. The Ministry of Education effectively plans, resources and manages priority sector activities.

The Investment Design document includes strategic analysis of the context, a detailed description of the investment, and implementation arrangements.

Full publication

Last Updated: 3 May 2016
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