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KOMPAK Independent Progress Review and Management Response

Summary of publication

The Australia-Indonesia Governance for Growth (KOMPAK) program is a partnership between the Australian and Indonesian governments that works toward reducing poverty and inequality in Indonesia through promoting better use of Indonesian resources. It helps the Indonesian Government and communities to identify ways to improve basic service delivery and economic opportunities for the poor and vulnerable.

An independent review of the program was commissioned by DFAT in late 2017 to assess its ongoing relevance, effectiveness and efficiency and to inform DFAT's decision as to whether to continue the program.

The review finds the program to be highly relevant to Australian and Indonesian policy priorities and generally effective and efficient. The report recommends that DFAT continue the program and gives recommendations on how to further improve program effectiveness and efficiency.

The progress review recommendations were discussed with the Indonesian Government prior to preparing a Management Response to the review.

Download publication

Independent Progress Review [Word 600 KB]

Independent Progress Review [PDF 1.4 MB]

DFAT Management Response [Word 35 KB]

DFAT Management Response [PDF 475 KB]

Last Updated: 11 May 2018
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