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Timor-Leste Annual Program Performance Report 2010

Summary of publication

This document is the 2010 annual program performance report for Timor-Leste.

Timor-Leste has made great strides given the short period since independence. In 2010 the country continued to experience relative stability and solid economic growth–although this growth was primarily driven by further increases in government spending. The Prime Minister continued work on a draft Strategic Development Plan outlining Timor-Leste's priorities to 2030. This plan will be released in mid-2011 and is likely to focus on increased spending on major infrastructure development. Estimates indicate a decrease in the number of people living in poverty to 41 per cent in 2009. However this follows a sharp spike in poverty at the time of the 2006 crisis and development outcomes remain poor. Although some human development indicators have improved, overall Timor-Leste remains off-track to meet most Millennium Development Goals, in part because of its low starting base.

Full publication

Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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