Summary of publication
The Seasonal Worker Programme (SWP) and the Pacific Labour Scheme (PLS) are highly valued by Australia and the Pacific and Timor-Leste. The programs support Australian businesses by helping address critical workforce shortages in rural and regional communities. This enables businesses to grow and thrive, creating stronger regional economies and supporting national economic growth.
The programs are also central to Australia’s stepped-up engagement with our Pacific neighbours and Timor-Leste, providing employment opportunities for Pacific and Timorese workers to develop skills, earn income and send home remittances to support their families and the economic growth of their countries. Pacific labour mobility fosters links between people, businesses, and communities, creating deeper connections between Australia and our Pacific family.
The continued success of Pacific labour mobility will be dependent on maintaining the breadth, quality and integrity of programs, ensuring safeguards remain in place to protect the welfare and wellbeing of workers and enabling demand-driven growth. The Australian Government is seeking views on ways to improve, streamline and align Australia’s Pacific labour mobility initiatives, the SWP and PLS, to maximise benefits for employers, workers and participating countries.
The Pacific Labour Mobility Consultation closed on the 18 July 2021