Challenges and choices for the Australian aid program
This is the full report of an ODE-commissioned evaluation (conducted December 2012–April 2014) which examined Australia's support for service systems in decentralised contexts. The evaluation focussed on the health, education and infrastructure (water, sanitation and roads) sectors. It examined programs and initiatives in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Solomon Islands, Vietnam and Bangladesh, with the first three countries covered in more depth through field work.
The evaluation finds that Australian aid is beginning to respond to the challenges of supporting service delivery in decentralised contexts. However it also notes that the results are mixed and there is room for improvement. The evaluation makes four recommendations for improving country level analysis, program planning and design to better address decentralisation, and to strengthen DFAT's capacity to effectively manage and monitor service delivery programs in decentralised contexts.
See also: Working in decentralised service systems: Short report on implications for aid managers [PDF 199kb]
- Working in decentralised service systems: challenges and choices for the Australian aid program–Full report [PDF 3.02mb]
- Working in decentralised service systems: challenges and choices for the Australian aid program–Full report [Word 3.84mb]