Disability-inclusive development
2025-26 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]
$15.0 million
2024-25 central Australian ODA [budget estimate]
$14.0 million
2023-24 central Australian ODA [actual]
$12.9 million
Some 1.3 billion people globally – approximately 16 per cent of the population – have disability, more than 750 million of whom live in Asia and the Pacific. Despite some progress, people with disability continue to be among the poorest and most marginalised in all societies.
Disability equity is being integrated across Australia’s international engagement on foreign policy, international development, trade policy, humanitarian assistance and climate action.
The International Development Policy commits Australia to advancing the rights of people with disability and prioritising disability equity as a core issue for action in the international development program.
The Australian Government has launched a new International Disability Equity and Rights Strategy. The Strategy continues Australia’s proud legacy of support for the rights of people with disability across the globe. We will continue to partner with people with disability and support their priorities.
Australia is a strong and consistent advocate for disability rights and inclusion in international forums including the UN Human Rights Council and UN General Assembly Third Committee. We supported Ms Rosemary Kayess’ re-election for a second term (2023-26) to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and encourage civil society engagement, including organisations of people with disability, in UN and other multilateral systems.
Australia works with key partners to advocate for and enable disability-inclusive development.