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Development assistance in Myanmar

Flag of Burma

Australia’s development assistance to Myanmar

2024-25 bilateral allocation [budget estimate]

$42.1 million

2024-25 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]

$121.4 million

2023-24 bilateral allocation [budget estimate]

$42.1 million

2023-24 total Australia ODA [budget estimate]

$121.0 million

2022-23 total Australian ODA [actual]

$142.7 million

Australia's development efforts are set out in Australia's International Development Policy.

Prior to the February 2021 military coup, Myanmar had been navigating multiple complex transitions: from military rule to a democratic government, from a closed to an open market economy and from conflict to peace. The coup and its aftermath has reversed many of the gains made and significantly amplified Myanmar's humanitarian and development challenges.

Prior to the coup, around one-third of Myanmar was affected by protracted conflict with over 300,000 people internally displaced. Since the coup, humanitarian needs have surged. New and increased conflict across the country has led to the further internal displacement of over 3.2 million people (as of January 2025). The UN has estimated that 19.9 million people need humanitarian assistance in 2025.

Political instability and violence are exacerbating poverty and food insecurity. Essential services, particularly health and education, are under even more pressure today. Much of the country is experiencing difficulty accessing healthcare and schooling. Myanmar's economy has also suffered, with rising unemployment and poverty, as well as disruptions to the banking sector. Women and youth are particularly vulnerable.

Australia's commitment to Myanmar's development and support to the people of Myanmar remains steadfast. Since the coup, Australia's assistance in Myanmar has pivoted to meet the immediate needs of the country's most vulnerable people, including the poor and ethnic minorities. We have redirected development assistance away from regime entities and do not provide funding directly to the regime. To ensure our support benefits the people who need it most, we work through trusted non-government partners including multilateral and non-government organisations. Our program will remain under close review and be flexible to respond to the evolving situation to best meet the needs of affected populations.

Our results

Some key examples of Australian development results in Myanmar include:

  • providing more than one million people with emergency assistance in 2022
  • delivering basic education with approximately 128,000 additional boys and girls enrolled in schools through our support in 2022
  • supporting over 525,000 people with medical products, including COVID-19 equipment, through a multi-donor health fund in 2022.
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