Development assistance in the Pacific
2024-25 allocation [budget estimate]
$703.9 million
2024-25 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]
$738.3 million
2023-24 allocation [budget estimate]
$613.2 million
2023-24 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]
$723.4 million
2022-23 total Australian ODA [actual]
$489.5 million
* The Pacific Regional Program is a discrete appropriation that complements Pacific Bilateral programs. A portion of this funding is directly attributable to specific Pacific countries and this is included in their Total Australian ODA.
* The Total Australian ODA figure represents funding to the Pacific region that is not attributable to a specific country. It includes funding from the Pacific Regional Program, several other regional and global programs and other Australian government departments.
As the largest development partner in the Pacific, Australia is supporting Pacific partners to navigate the challenges of climate change, COVID recovery, natural disasters and pressing human development and sustainable infrastructure needs.
We are listening and responding to Pacific priorities, building genuine partnerships, and investing to ensure prosperity for communities and for generations to come. At every step, we work together on shared regional interests, respond to Pacific priorities and respect Pacific institutions.
We deliver tangible support directly to Pacific governments, as well as via NGOs, academic institutions, regional organisations, multilateral partners, churches and the private sector. Pacific people and organisations are central to prioritising and shaping our regional development assistance.
Australia is working with Pacific Island countries to implement Australia's new International Development Policy. Key commitments of this policy include genuine and respectful partnerships, strengths-based approaches, climate change, gender equality and inclusion, localisation, civil society, innovative development financing and accountability for results.
We are designing a new Pacific Regional Development Partnership Plan (DPP), which presents a long-term vision for how our Pacific regional programs will meet the critical needs of our partners, while also supporting Australia's national interests and the interests we share with our region.
A summary of results achieved by the Pacific Regional Program can be found in the Performance Reports (see related documents).
Further information on regional programs can be found at:
- Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific
- Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme
- Climate change and resilience in the Pacific region
- Pacific Humanitarian Warehousing Program
- Effective regional institutions in the Pacific region
- Shared security in the Pacific
- Education in the Pacific region
- Fisheries assistance in the Pacific region
- Promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls in Pacific
- People connections in the Pacific
- Economic prosperity in the Pacific
- Economic growth and private sector development in the Pacific region
- Fisheries assistance in the Pacific
- Australia Pacific Sustainable Oceans and Livelihoods Partnership
- Australia’s assistance for health
- Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security
- Water, sanitation and hygiene initiatives