Development assistance in the Pacific
2025-26 allocation [budget estimate]
$705.6 million
2025-26 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]
$790.4 million
2024-25 allocation [budget estimate]
$703.9 million
2024-25 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]
$738.3 million
2023-24 total Australian ODA [actual]
$509.9 million
* The Pacific Regional Program is a discrete appropriation that complements Pacific Bilateral programs. A portion of this funding is directly attributable to specific Pacific countries and this is included in their Total Australian ODA.
* The Total Australian ODA figure represents funding to the Pacific region that is not attributable to a specific country. It includes funding from the Pacific Regional Program, several other regional and global programs and other Australian government departments.
As a founding member of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), Australia is committed to working with the Pacific – and through the Pacific's regional architecture – to navigate shared challenges and safeguard our collective peace, stability and prosperity. Our partnership is guided by the PIF's blueprint to meet these challenges: the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent. Endorsed by PIF Leaders, the 2050 Strategy provides the blueprint to advance Pacific-led regionalism. It is a vision for the Pacific's economic, environmental and strategic future.
Our engagement in the Pacific aims to support national sovereignty, promote prosperity and development, uphold regional unity, and foster peace and security. Our engagement takes a whole-of-nation approach, recognising the breadth of our shared interests and the challenges we face collectively, none of which is greater than the threat of climate change.
Joint objectives of the Australia – Pacific regional development partnership
The overarching goal of the Australia – Pacific Regional Development Partnership is a Pacific region that remains peaceful, stable and prosperous and equipped to respond to the challenges of our time.
The Australia – Pacific Regional Development Partnership Plan 2025–2029 (DPP) translates into action the development priorities Australia shares with the Pacific. The DPP sets out agreed objectives, how we will work together to deliver shared outcomes, and how progress will be monitored.
Objective 1 - A strong and united Pacific family
Australia and Pacific island countries share an interest in a peaceful, stable and prosperous Pacific. Investments will seek to strengthen regional architecture and organisations, support regional approaches to maintaining peace and security, and harness our collective knowledge, wisdom and energy through sports, culture, church and media exchange.
Objective 2 - Regional action on climate change and disasters
Recognising Pacific priorities and leadership, and the urgency of addressing the climate crisis, Australia is making climate change a central pillar of all our partnerships. Australia will deliver quality climate programming to respond to nationally determined needs. This includes providing and mobilising climate finance to meet the needs of the region, and strengthening the capacity and readiness of Pacific governments and communities to deal with the impact of climate change and disasters.
Objective 3 - Sustainable and resilient economic development
Economic development is a top priority for the Pacific. No region was impacted more by the COVID-19 pandemic and these effects are still being felt widely across Pacific economies and societies. Australia will invest in sustainable, climate resilient infrastructure for growth; Pacific-led efforts to achieve economic reform and financial and fiscal stability; increased labour mobility; and enhanced connectivity of people, services and goods.
Objective 4 - Wellbeing, inclusion and equity
Australia has a steadfast commitment to advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in all their diversity, at home and globally. Our regional gender program, Pacific Women Lead, builds on a decade of support for gender equality in the Pacific. The program aims to ensure that Pacific women and girls, in all their diversity, are safe and equitably share in resources, opportunities and decision-making.
Climate Change
Pacific countries are uniquely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The region has clearly communicated its climate change priorities through several statements and strategies, including the Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific and the 2018 Boe Declaration on Regional Security, which highlighted climate change as the single greatest threat to the livelihoods, security and wellbeing of Pacific peoples. The 2050 Strategy outlines the ambition that ‘all Pacific peoples remain resilient to the impacts of climate change and disasters and are able to lead safe, secure and prosperous lives'.
Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI)
The COVID-19 pandemic was a major setback to gender equality in the Pacific, and the worst decline in gender equality in two decades occurred in 2020–21. During the pandemic, women bore a disproportionate burden of domestic obligations, including household chores, and caring for children and sick and elderly family members.
In 2023, PIF Leaders revitalised the Pacific Leaders Gender Equality Declaration. The revitalised declaration promotes an inclusive approach to gender equality and social inclusion, and recognises the responsibility and importance of both men and women (and boys and girls) in working towards achieving the PIF Leaders' 2050 vision.
A summary of results achieved by the Pacific Regional Program can be found in the Performance Reports (see related documents).
Further information on regional programs can be found at:
- Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific
- Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme
- Climate change and resilience in the Pacific region
- Pacific Humanitarian Warehousing Program
- Effective regional institutions in the Pacific region
- Shared security in the Pacific
- Education in the Pacific region
- Fisheries assistance in the Pacific region
- Promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls in Pacific
- People connections in the Pacific
- Economic prosperity in the Pacific
- Economic growth and private sector development in the Pacific region
- Fisheries assistance in the Pacific
- Australia Pacific Sustainable Oceans and Livelihoods Partnership
- Australia’s assistance for health
- Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security
- Water, sanitation and hygiene initiatives