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Development assistance in Vietnam

Flag of Vietnam

Pillar 1 — Health security in Vietnam

Supporting COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery and Health Response in Vietnam

$18.3 million, 2020-24 (complemented by other Australian funding and donation of 26.4 million COVID-19 vaccine doses)

Australia's support through UNICEF and WHO will assist the successful introduction and deployment of COVID-19 vaccines in Vietnam, helping to set the foundation necessary for reaching the remainder of the population as vaccines are rolled out nationwide. Australia's delivery support funding will focus on strengthening the national immunisation system particularly in relation to improving cold chain capacity for COVID-19 vaccines. Australia also supports routine immunization outreach services to reach the most vulnerable children.

Support through the bilateral program will further enhance efforts under the regional Vaccine Access and Health Security Initiative.

Related document

Name of document Year published Type
Supporting COVID-19 Vaccine delivery and Health Response in Vietnam fact sheet 2022 Factsheet

Related link

Indo Pacific Centre for Health Security Vietnam Vaccine Support website

Aus4Innovation - health security activities

$770,000, 2019-22

Under Australia's Aus4Innovation program a range of health security activities are being implemented in Vietnam, such as building an intelligent system of testing, monitoring and improving radiologic diagnosis of breast cancer and using telehealth applying augmented reality technology to improve clinical management and delivery in rural areas.


*The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is committed to high standards of transparency and accountability in the management of the Australian aid program through publishing information on our website, including policies, plans, results, evaluations and research. Our practice is to publish documents after the partner government and any other partners directly involved in the delivery of the initiative have been consulted. Not all material published on this site is created by the Australian aid program and therefore not all documents reflect our views. In limited circumstances some information may be withheld for reasons including privacy and commercial sensitivity.

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