United Nations
United Nations Interactive Dialogue
11 October 2021
Australia thanks the Special Rapporteur for his report.
We welcome recommendations F and G about supporting economic development, small business and other entrepreneurial efforts undertaken by indigenous peoples living in urban areas.
The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples affirms economic rights for indigenous peoples. The interconnected nature of the global economy, however, means that these economic rights will not be realised unless Member States take collective action to eliminate trade and investment barriers, promote cross-border economic activity, and increase market access for indigenous businesses.
Australia is supporting Indigenous Australian entrepreneurs to exploit opportunities in international markets. For example, we seek input from the Australian Indigenous Network for Investment, Trade and Export to free trade negotiations and economic policy discussions to better align global operating environments with their business interests.
Investing in economic rights can have a catalytic impact, amplifying efforts to advance the wellbeing, and social and cultural interests, of indigenous peoples.
Indigenous entrepreneurs have the potential to pioneer innovations around climate change adaptation and mitigation, biological diversity, and sustainability practices. Indigenous entrepreneurs can win commercial tenders to deliver global development and humanitarian assistance programs – drawing on their lived experiences to ensure local indigenous communities are not left behind.
We ask: Would the Special Rapporteur be able to expand upon recommendations F and G in a separate report about economic rights?
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