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Consultations on Pacific Islands Forum 2050 Strategy

International relations

In 2019, at the 50th Pacific Islands Forum in Tuvalu, Forum leaders agreed to develop a 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent. All 18 Forum members will participate in developing the Strategy. It will capture the region’s shared priorities and set out a plan for achieving them, drawing on perspectives and experiences from across the region.

We want Australia’s contribution to reflect the deep Pacific expertise, connections and heritage that forms the foundation of our engagement with our region. To that end, we are seeking public submissions on the challenges facing the Pacific to 2050. We want to hear how you think the Pacific will evolve and develop to 2050, its major opportunities and challenges and how Pacific Islands Forum members can work together to achieve the following Pacific Islands Forum 2050 Vision:

In 2050, the Blue Pacific Continent is a region of peace; harmony; security, social inclusion; and increased prosperity so that all Pacific people are leading free, healthy and productive lives.

Our Blue Pacific identity reinforces the potential of our shared stewardship of the Pacific Ocean and reaffirms the connections of Pacific peoples with their natural resources, environment, cultures and livelihoods.

We understand that this vision can only be achieved through regional collective action.

Further information on the 2050 Strategy for a Blue Pacific Continent is available from the website of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat.


We welcome online submissions from individuals or groups in Australia, including civil society, the private sector, academics, Pacific diaspora, and other Australian individuals or entities interested in the future of the Pacific region. We seek views on four key questions:

  • What are the major challenges facing our region as we work together to achieve the vision for a Blue Pacific Continent by 2050?
  • How might these challenges impact on our region over the next 30 years to 2050?
  • How might COVID-19 impact on our region’s development trajectory to 2050?
  • How can Pacific Islands Forum members work together to address these challenges, including through closer economic and security linkages that preserve national sovereignty?

Submissions should be entered into the public submission form.


Submissions will be accepted until 6pm, Tuesday 17 November 2020.

What will we do with your submission?

DFAT will draw upon the submissions to inform the Australian Government’s engagement with members to develop the 2050 Strategy. We expect drafting to take place in early 2021. The final Strategy will then be presented to Forum leaders for endorsement at the 2021 Pacific Islands Forum, to be hosted by Fiji.

Pacific Islands Forum

Established in 1971, the Pacific Islands Forum is the pre-eminent political organisation for promoting integration and cooperation on political, economic and security issues in the Pacific.

Australia is a founding member of the Forum, which comprises New Zealand, all Pacific island countries, and the French territories of New Caledonia and French Polynesia.

Further information on Australia’s engagement in the Forum and other Pacific regional organisations can be accessed on DFAT's Pacific islands regional organisations webpage.


For questions on this public submission process, please contact

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