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The Australian Government is to add its support to the UNICEF/UNESCO
Creating Learning Communities for Children (CLCC) program, which aims to
improve basic education in Indonesia.
Operated in partnership with Indonesian Government agencies, the CLCC is
being implemented in 637 schools across 27 districts in Indonesia and is
benefiting some 110,000 children.
I am pleased to announce Australia will contribute $5 million to the
program. This will enable the CLCC to be extended to an additional 624
schools in another 13 districts.
The Australian Government has a strong commitment to expanding donor support
for basic education in Indonesia, including in the mainstream Islamic school
system. The Australian objective is to ensure the number of secular
schools and madrasah under the CLCC program can reach a critical
The CLCC program's focus on basic education and assisting district
governments with planning and delivery of basic education services aligns with
Indonesian Government education policy.
It is clear the CLCC program is succeeding in meeting some of
Indonesia's basic education needs, including funding, community support and
improving the quality and relevance of education.
Media Contacts:
Chris Kenny (Minister's office) (02) 6277 7500 or 0419 206 890
Jo Elsom (AusAID) 02 6206 4960 or 0412 804 489