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Australian Assistance for Training of Lao Interpreters

News, speeches and media

Media Release


I am pleased to announce that Australia has developed a program of interpreter training for the Lao Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The four-year program aims to expand and strengthen the Ministry's pool of interpreters and will include short-course training in Vientiane, as well as 12 new scholarships in Australia.

The interpreter training, worth $1.4 million over four years, is in addition to Australia's significant annual development assistance to Laos of $19.6 million.

The University of New South Wales (UNSW) has been selected to develop the program in partnership with a locally-based Australian institution, Vientiane College. The program will start in the last quarter of this year with refresher training for the Ministry's current pool of interpreters. The first scholarships in Australia are expected to commence in January 2006.

Assistance with interpreter training was requested by the Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, HE Mr Somsavat Lengsavad, during his visit to Australia in February this year.

This new program forms part of Australia's assistance to Laos to improve its capacity to cooperate with international and regional institutions and take advantage of the opportunities presented by closer integration with the global economy.

Media inquiries:

Chris Kenny (Mr Downer's Office) 0419 206 890

AusAID (Public Affairs) 0417 680 590

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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