This preliminary impact assessment for the Public Sector Improvement Facility summarises outcomes and impacts for the program. (2011, 41pp)
This preliminary impact assessment for the Public Sector Improvement Facility summarises outcomes and impacts for the program.
It draws solely on an AusAID study of monthly project progress reports, project completion reports, individual project milestone reports, minutes from Facility Coordinating Committee and Facility Steering Committee meetings and other project related documents such as contracts, project agreements, adviser reports at the completion of their inputs, inception reports, annual plans, and reports against Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks.
This Report consists of two parts. The first are project profiles that summarise the key activities undertaken, the outputs produced and the 'immediate' outcomes and impacts noted soon after completion. The second part is a spread sheet where an attempt is made to link each activity to the Public Sector Improvement Facility Goal, Purpose and the Strategic Framework.
Preliminary Impact Assessment for Samoa's Public Sector Improvement Facility [PDF 277kb]