Meet our 2016 grantees
Project summary
Sector: Building Cultural Understanding / Society and Culture
Country location: Australia, Republic of Korea
Grantee: LAZSTA (Metropolitan South West Science Teachers Association)
Project Description
The project allows Australian and Korean high school science students to interact through a shared commitment to environmental and science related issues. The program includes a cultural visit to Korea including a visit to a Korean school, university, museums and technology centres.
The idea to incorporate the visit to Korea was envisaged through discussions with a Korean Science Teacher specialising in gifted and talented science education as an extension to a program already running for students participating in the US Space Academy Program.
The program has successfully run annually since 2013. The program for 2016 has been extended by an extra day to allow for greater collaboration in Korea. This year the program will see 44 students (grades 9-11) and 7 teachers participating in the cultural visit.
The program includes combined student workshop and joint university lecture and a visit to the Samsung.
Pre and post program activities include a workshop at Korean Cultural Centre in Sydney and video conferencing between Korean and Australian schools.
Key dates:
Team meeting, Sydney, 20 July 2016
Departure, Sydney Airport, 23 September 2016
University workshop, Dankook University, Seoul, 24 September 2016
School workshop, Seocheon High School, Seoul, 26 September 2016
Social media: @istemAustralia
Australia-Korea Foundation grant offer: $6,210.00
Total project value: $164,075.00