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Mid Term Review of the Education Quality Assessment Program Business Plan 2019-2022

Summary of publication

The Educational Quality Assessment Program (EQAP) works with Pacific Community (SPC) members to support their efforts to build a robust education system through providing assistance with curriculum and assessment, education statistics and analysis, policy development, and technical qualifications.

The EQAP commissioned a Mid-Term Review in order to assess the effectiveness of the Business Plan (2019-22) in enabling the organisation to achieve its goals and targets, and to draw lessons and recommendations that can inform future decision making.

An independent assessment concluded that the Business Plan provides a sound basis for EQAP to plan, manage and report on its work in a manner that meets the needs of Members and satisfies donor requirements and expectations. It is recommended that EQAP should continue to utilise and further develop its Business Plan process and that development Partners (Australia, New Zealand and other potential partners) should continue to utilise a programmatic funding approach in provision of support.

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