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Built-in agenda

Dates relate to entry into force (15 January 2015).

JAEPA built-in review mechanisms

  • General review of JAEPA on the implementation and operation of the agreement to be held in the sixth year following entry into force or at any other time agreed by the parties.
  • Review on market access for priority agriculture products, including beef, wheat, barley, sugar and key dairy products, in the fifth year following entry into force, with a view to improving market access conditions.
  • Specific review on the same priority agriculture products is triggered if a competitor secures better preferential access, with a view to improving market access conditions, to commence within three months of the competitor gaining better preferential access.
  • Review of agricultural safeguard measures, including special safeguard measures on fresh and frozen beef, in the tenth year following entry into force.
  • Renegotiation of market access outcomes on 204 tariff lines on which Japan did not agree to tariff elimination or reduction, five years after entry into force.
  • Broad MFN provisions on services and investment – Japan to give Australia the same future treatment it gives to any other country across a wide range of sectors.
  • Review of Investment chapter, including consideration of an investor-state dispute settlement mechanism, in the fifth year after entry into force or a year the parties agree. The review shall also be conducted if Australia enters into any international agreement with ISDS, to commence within three months of that agreement entering into force.
  • Ongoing review of non-tariff measures on trade in goods raised by either party.
  • Review of geographical indications provisions in Intellectual Property chapter in fifth year after entry into force.

JAEPA review and implementation sub-committees

  • Joint Committee – to meet once a year, unless the parties agree otherwise, to review the overall implementation of JAEPA.
  • Trade in Goods – to meet as agreed by the parties including to review implementation of Trade in Goods chapter, consult on acceleration of tariff elimination, and address tariff and non-tariff barriers.
  • Rules of Origin – to meet as agreed by the parties including to review implementation of JAEPA's rules of origin.
  • Customs Procedures – to meet as agreed by the parties including to review implementation of JAEPA's customs procedures.
  • Sanitary and Phytosanitary Cooperation – to meet as agreed by the parties including to review implementation of SPS cooperation and to address issues that may arise.
  • Technical Regulations, Standards and Conformity Assessment Procedures – to meet as agreed by the parties including to review implementation of the chapter and exchange information on technical regulations.
  • Energy and Mineral Resources – to meet as agreed by the parties including to review implementation of the Energy and Mineral Resources chapter and exchange information on matters related to the chapter.
  • Trade in Services – to meet as agreed by the parties including to review implementation of the Trade in Services chapter and consider the promotion of recognition of qualifications.
  • Telecommunications – to meet as agreed by the parties including to review the implementation of the Telecommunications chapter.
  • Financial Services – to meet annually, or as otherwise agreed, including to review implementation of the Financial Services chapter and discuss issues related to enhancing financial services trade between the parties. Membership includes DFAT, Treasury and as necessary APRA and ASIC.
  • Investment – to meet as agreed by the parties including to review implementation of the Investment chapter and to exchange information on matters related to the chapter.
  • Intellectual Property – to meet as agreed by the parties including to review implementation of the Intellectual Property chapter and oversee ongoing cooperation between the parties on intellectual property protection.
  • Promotion of a Closer Economic Relationship – to meet as agreed by the parties including to discuss ways to promote a closer economic relationship and consider possibilities for government and business sector cooperation to promote bilateral trade and investment. Business sector representatives may be invited to meetings.

Fact sheet last updated September 2017.

Last Updated: 18 September 2017
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