Business opportunities
20 June 2016
The call for proposals from ACFID's Humanitarian Reference Group (HRG) was issued on 11 May 2016 and was subsequently amended on 26 May 2016 (Addendum 1). Addendum 2, refer attached, will be the final addendum issued by DFAT in response to questions received.
Up to 6 Australian NGO members will be selected for humanitarian response funding (including early recovery) and multi-year funding to strengthen local humanitarian capability and build disaster resilience in the Pacific under the Australian Humanitarian Partnership.
- Addendum 2 to the Australian Humanitarian Partnership Competitive Grants Process, 20 June 2016
- Standard Operating Procedures 2016/01, dated 20 June 2016
Questions or comments
This is the last addendum to be issued by DFAT. No further questions will be answered on the competitive grants process.
Submissions are due by Monday 27 June 1700 (CBR time). Proposals should be electronically submitted to in Portable Document Format (PDF).
Australian Federal Election – caretaker period
Potential partners are advised that a Federal Election has been called for 2 July 2016. The Commonwealth Government has therefore entered into a 'caretaker period' which places limitations on Commonwealth Agencies entering into major new commitments.
The selection process will continue, however, DFAT may defer entering into an arrangement with preferred partners until after the end of the caretaker period. Potential partners are further advised that there is also the possibility that, by convention, any incoming Government may decide to terminate arrangements if it does not wish to proceed with a particular competitive selection process.