Business opportunities
The Australia–Indonesia Partnership for Pro-Poor Policy: the Knowledge Sector Initiative (formerly the 'Revitalising Indonesia's Knowledge Sector for Development Policy' program) aims to enable Indonesian policy-makers to make contestable, evidence-informed decisions on how best to spend national budgetary resources in ways that help the poor. It will support the domestic supply of knowledge products to inform policy, as well as the ability of decision makers to use those products to inform their policy choices.
The program will commence in January 2013. The program implementation mechanism includes a role for an implementing service provider. The proposed implementing service provider will support the program by managing delivery of technical assistance and capacity development across all components, administering and overseeing the provision of grants, and coordinating activities across the program.
The final version of the design document and diagnostics are provided for the information of prospective tenderers.
Final design document and diagnostics for the Australia–Indonesia Partnership for Pro-Poor Policy: the Knowledge Sector Initiative.