Business opportunities
It is DFAT's intention to give the market sufficient information as early as possible to tender for DFAT aid opportunities. Typically this is done by posting pre tender information on DFAT's website before formal release of the tender via AusTender.
DFAT also provides status updates of current tender processes.
Elsewhere on DFAT's website there will be opportunities for grant projects. Currently there are three such opportunities:
DFAT's Annual Procurement Plan is listed on AusTender. The purpose of this update is to inform the market of likely RFT releases and closings in and around the 2016 Christmas holidays.
DFAT is always looking to enhance the way it does business with its partners. The Doing Business with DFAT Guide describes DFAT procurement, outlines how to pursue business opportunities, and offers hints and tips on tendering for DFAT procurements:
Procurement pipeline 2016-17
All planned procurements are subject to revision, withdrawal or cancellation. Information about planned procurements is provided for planning purposes only and it does not represent a solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment by the Government to purchase the described goods or services. All planned procurements are subject to Australian and partner government policy and approvals processes.
DFAT would like to draw the market's intention to the following dates:
- Monday 21 November 2016 – indicative last date for RFT release in 2016
- Monday 30 January 2017 – indicative first date for RFT closing in 2017
It is DFAT's intention that as few tenders as possible will be open over the Christmas break. If a tender is open over the Christmas break it is DFAT's intention that potential tenderers will be given sufficient time before and after Christmas to source and propose an effective team (if required in the tender) and broader tender response.
DFAT will likely release the following RFT's before Christmas 2016, however please note that some tenders may be delayed until 2017, and likewise, some tenders currently planned for 2017 may be brought forward to 2016:
- DFAT 98, Vanuatu Police and Justice
- DFAT 129, Market Development Facility
- DFAT 143, ANGAU Construction
- DFAT TBA, Pacific Connect
- DFAT 145, Nauru Deployee Support Services
- DFAT 119, Volunteers Program
- DFAT 158, Scholarships Event Management
- DFAT 116, Solomon Islands Strongim Bisnis
DFAT will likely release the following RFT's early in 2017, i.e. from end of January onwards. Note this is not an exhaustive list of tenders planned to be released in 2017, but a list of those most likely to come early in 2017:
- DFAT 82, Vietnam GREAT (likely to be the first Vietnam tender released in 2017)
- DFAT 86, Myanmar education
- DFAT 127, Philippines Economic and Trade Facility (likely to be the first Philippines tender released in 2017)
- DFAT 10, Indonesia Australia Economic Governance Program
- DFAT 85, Vietnam Transport (likely to be the second Vietnam tender released in 2017)
- DFAT 123, Philippines Scholarships (likely to be the second Philippines tender released in 2017)
- DFAT 83, Vietnam Enterprise Development (likely to be the third Vietnam tender released in 2017)
- DFAT 88, Philippines Transport ((likely to be the third Philippines tender released in 2017)
- DFAT 112, Papua New Guinea Economic and Social Infrastructure Facility
- DFAT 114, Papua New Guinea Human Development Facility