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Corporate information and resources

Logos and style guides

Branding is a key mechanism for enhancing the visibility of the Australian Government's international activities and initiatives. Correct branding also maximises recognition of the development role played by the Australian Government and increases the accountability and transparency of Australia's Aid program.

In brief:

  • If it is an aid program: use the Australian Aid identifier (the kangaroo)
  • If it is an international audience (and not aid): use the Australian Government logo (Commonwealth Coat of Arms and words "Australian Government")
  • If it is a multi-departmental activity and individual departmental logos are not used: use an Australian Government Initiative logo
  • If it is a domestic audience (and not aid): use the DFAT logo

Using the Commonwealth Coat of Arms

See the Australian Government Branding Guidelines and the Commonwealth Coat of Arms Guidelines by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Using the Australian Aid identifier

The colours of the Australian Aid identifier are:

  • Pantone 280 (blue)
  • Pantone 185 (red)

The Australian Aid identifier can be used:

  • in colour
  • black against a light background
  • white against a dark background
  • red and white against a dark blue background.

Branding Australia Aid projects and initiatives

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File formats

The PNG files below are low-resolution and a small file size. They are best for office documents, websites and screen displays.

The PDF files below are vector images and can print at high-resolution. They are best for professional graphic design and print production.

The EPS files below are vector images and can print at high-resolution. They are best for professional graphic design and print production. They can be opened in vector image editing software such as Adobe Illustrator where designers can edit the colours. You may not be able to open these files on your computer unless you have the required software.

File format quick guide

  • JPG or JPEG files are best for photographic images, not logos. Use the PNG logos rather than JPG.
  • Reports and publications made in Adobe InDesign or other professional publishing software should use the PDF or EPS files.
  • Reports or publications made in Microsoft Word or Publisher should use the PNG files.
  • PowerPoint or other presentations should use the PNG files.
  • Banners, signage, clothing and merchandise should use the PDF or EPS files.

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Branding Australia Aid projects and initiatives


Please use the most appropriate acknowledgements for all publications:

For projects where Australia is the only donor:

[project or initiative name] is supported by the Australian Government and implemented by [insert NGO].

An Australian aid initiative implemented by [insert NGO] on behalf of the Australian Government.

For projects where Australia is the major funder:

[project or initiative name] is supported by the Australian Government, [other donor name] and [other donor name].

For projects partly funded by Australia and where another agency, business or government is the major funder:

Supported by the Australian Government.

Disclaimers for reports and publications, funded by DFAT but not authored by DFAT (choose the most appropriate)


This publication has been funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The views expressed in this publication are the author's alone and are not necessarily the views of the Australian Government.


This publication has been funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The views expressed in this publication are the author's alone and are not necessarily the views of the Australian Government. The Australian Government neither endorses the views in this publication, nor vouches for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained within the publication. The Australian Government, its officers, employees and agents, accept no liability for any loss, damage or expense arising out of, or in connection with, any reliance on any omissions or inaccuracies in the material contained in this publication.

This publication is intended to provide general information only and before entering into any particular transaction users should: rely on their own enquiries, skill and care in using the information; check with primary sources; and seek independent advice.


Not-for-profit organisations

The logo of a partner government, NGO or multilateral organisation may also appear alongside the Australian Aid identifier, however the Australian Aid identifier should be in the most prominent place.

Commercial and for-profit organisations

The logo of an implementing partner or managing contractor may not be used alongside the Australian Aid identifier. However, the contractor/implementing partner can place the following at the bottom of the page, with their logo alongside it:

[project or initiative name] is supported by the Australian Government and implemented by [insert implementing partner] [insert implementing partner's logo].

An exemption for not applying branding may be granted by the Head of Mission or the Communications Section at DFAT if there is compelling case or an identified security risk.

Updating existing resources

All new Australian aid-funded projects and initiatives should be branded with the Australian Aid Identifier. Wherever practical, the previous (AusAID) Australian AID identifier should be replaced progressively and sensibly. (The old AusAID identifier is easy to spot- 'AID' is capitalised).

Formal signage for completed projects, such as foundation stones or commemorative plaques, should not be altered.

Stationery (including business cards)

Managing contractors, NGOs or multilateral organisations and their staff must not use the Australian Government Coat of Arms or the Australian Aid identifier on any stationery, including business cards, as this can incorrectly imply that the organisation acts with the authority of the Australian Government or that staff are Australian Government employees.

It is permissible for someone working for a partner organisation to use one of the following statements of acknowledgement if stationery signifies a program or project:

  • For projects where Australia is the only donor: [project or initiative name] is supported by the Australian Government.
  • For projects where Australia is the major funder: [project or initiative name] is supported by the Australian Government, [other donor name] and [other donor name].
  • For projects partly funded by Australia and where another agency, business or government is the major funder: Supported by the Australian Government.


Partners must adhere to visibility and acknowledgement clauses in contracts and agreements. It is the responsibility of the Head of Mission at development posts to ensure compliance.

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Contact us

Questions on the use of the DFAT logo and branding and Australian Aid identifier can be directed to

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