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Portfolio budget statements

Budget highlights 2021-22

Budget highlights 2021-22 infographic summarises the content in the following paragraphs

Budget highlights 2021-22 infographic [PDF 400 KB]

Portfolio Budget Statements

Foreign Affairs and Trade Portfolio Budget Statements 2021-22, including funding for portfolio agencies Austrade, EFA, ACIAR, ASIS and Tourism Australia.

Media release

Joint media release: Supporting our region, advancing our interests and investing in trade and tourism to secure Australia’s recovery

The 2021-22 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Budget

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade will receive an appropriation of $6.4 billion for the 2021-22 financial year, including $4.4 billion in administered funding, and $2.0 billion in departmental funding.

The 2021-22 Budget includes $176.3 million for DFAT to continue facilitating commercial flights to repatriate Australians who wish to return, extending emergency assistance to vulnerable Australians overseas and providing a more responsive consular service. The government will also provide $37.1 million over two years from 2020-21 to support the Indian Government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis.

The department will receive $198.2 million to support Australian exporters and businesses, and to help secure an open, inclusive and resilient Indo-Pacific. The government has also committed $10.9 million for Australia’s ongoing efforts to achieve justice and accountability for the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17.

The 2021-22 Official Development Assistance Budget

Australia’s development program is an investment in our region. The Australian Government is committed to maintaining $4.0 billion in total Official Development Assistance (ODA) in 2021-22. This includes an estimated $1.44 billion in development assistance to the Pacific; an estimated $1.01 billion to Southeast and East Asia; and $485.3 million for humanitarian assistance and COVID-19 response.

The 2021-22 ODA budget delivers on the commitments in Partnerships for Recovery – our strategy for delivering timely, responsive and effective support in a world shaped by COVID-19. Our focus is on health security, stability and economic recovery in the Pacific and Southeast Asia.

Additional information can be found in the 2021-22 Australian Official Development Assistance budget summary.

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