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Australia Indonesia Partnership: Basic Education Program

Summary of publication

The Australia Indonesia Basic Education Program was developed in 2005 in response to the Boxing Day Tsunami. Its focus was to help Indonesia sustain progress against its goals in the education sector.

Full publication

In the Basic Education Program's first years of operation, more than 130 000 Indonesian children are already enrolled and attending the new schools and 50 per cent of these children are girls

The Australia Indonesia Basic Education Program was developed in 2005 in response to the Boxing Day Tsunami. Its focus was to help Indonesia sustain progress against its goals in the education sector. With a total value of $387 million over five years, the program aims to bring quality education to more than 330 000 children across 20 of Indonesia's 33 provinces.

[Bahasa] Program Pendidikan Dasar Australia Indonesia dikembangkan tahun 2005 sebagai tanggapan atas tsunami yang menghantam pada Desember 2004. Fokusnya adalah untuk membantu Indonesia mempertahankan kemajuan target-targetnya di sector pendidikan. Dengan total nilai sebesar $387 juta selama lima tahun, program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendidikan berkualitas kepada lebih dari 330.000 anakanak di 20 dari 33 provinsi di Indonesia.

The centrepiece of the initiative is an ambitious program of school building. By the time the program is complete in June 2010, 2075 schools will have been constructed–including 500 madrasah.

[Bahasa] Fokus dari inisiatif ini adalah sebuah program ambisius pembangunan gedung sekolah. Saat program berakhir pada bulan Juni 2010, akan ada 2.075 sekolah yang terbangun–termasuk 500 madrasah.

70 per cent of the initial 130 000 students now travel less than 3km to go to school

The program exemplifies four features of Australia's aid partnership with Indonesia. First, it is targeted where needs are most pressing. In the case of the Australia Indonesia Basic Education Program, that is the Junior Secondary Level, or Grades 7-9. This is where the Government of Indonesia has been concentrating its efforts to improve access to education.

[Bahasa] Program ini menunjukkan empat fitur dari kemitraan bantuan Australia dengan Indonesia. Pertama, program ini menyasar pada kebutuhan yang dirasa paling mendesak. Dalam hal Program Pendidikan Dasar Australia Indonesia, targetnya adalah Sekolah Menengah Pertama kelas 1-3. Di sinilah Pemerintah Indonesia telah memusatkan upaya-upayanya untuk meningkatkan akses ke pendidikan pada tingkatan tersebut.

48 per cent of students enrolled in Basic Education Program schools are from families earning around US$2 per family per day

Second, the program is innovative. The schools have been built by local committees drawn from the villagers whose children will attend the schools. Inspections show the quality of these school buildings has been excellent–those built around Tasikmalaya survived the recent earthquakes. Additionally, the cost of building schools has been kept down, so more have been built.

[Bahasa] Kedua, program bersifat inovatif. Sekolahsekolah dibangun oleh komite sekolah beranggotakan warga setempat yang anakanaknya akan bersekolah disana. Pemeriksaan menunjukkan bahwa mutu bangunan sekolahsekolah ini sangat bagus –bangunan yang dibangun di wilayah Tasikmalaya mampu menahan guncangan gempa baru-baru ini. Selain itu, biaya pembangunan sekolahsekolah itu berhasil ditekan murah, sehingga banyak sekolah baru yang bisa dibangun.

School management committees are active in 97 per cent of Basic Education Program schools demonstrating community participation and commitment to the new schools

Third, the Australia Indonesia Basic Education Program has been delivered on time and to specifications. Indeed, so strong has the management of the building process been that a further 75 schools have been built over the original target of 2000.

[Bahasa] Ketiga, Program Pendidikan Dasar Australia Indonesia telah dijalankan tepat waktu dan sesuai spesifikasi. Sedemikian kuatnya pengelolaan proses pembangunan sehingga 75 sekolah lagi telah berhasil dibangun dari target awal 2000 sekolah.

Finally, the Australia Indonesia Basic Education Program has seen an exceptional level of cooperation between the aid program and Indonesian government agencies.

Absenteeism and dropout rates at Basic Education Program schools are lower than the national average

[Bahasa] Akhirnya, Program Pendidikan Dasar Australia Indonesia mencerminkan tingkat kerjasama yang luar biasa antara program bantuan dan lembaga-lembaga pemerintah Indonesia.

The schools will provide an enduring symbol of the closeness of our two nations and of Australia's determination to support Indonesia's commitment to provide quality education for all its children.

[Bahasa] Sekolah-sekolah ini akan menjadi simbol abadi dari kedekatan antara kedua negara kita dan tekad Australia untuk mendukung komitmen Indonesia dalam memberikan pendidikan berkualitas bagi seluruh anak negeri.

Almost 50 per cent of teachers in Basic Education Program schools are women

Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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