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Australia—Kiribati Partnership for Development Report 2011


This report summarises the Australia - Kiribati Partnership for Development Talks held in 2011, including pre-Talk discussions and analysis contained in the Context, Progress and Issues Paper.


The Kiribati–Australia Partnership for Development (the Partnership) was signed in January 2009. Both governments agreed the priority areas for Australian aid are human resources development and improving economic and public financial governance and economic growth prospects. In addition, the Partnership supports other sectors such as climate change adaption, infrastructure development, health and ending violence against women.

A guiding principle of the Partnership is that both governments have mutual responsibilities towards achieving the agreed development goals set out in the Partnership. An important element of the Partnership is the annual joint review of progress, whereby both governments review progress made over the preceding year, examine challenges faced and confirm priorities to focus on over the next year and beyond. The joint review culminates in the annual Partnership for Development Talks (the Partnership Talks) involving senior officials from both governments.

The second annual Partnership for Development Talks was held in Tarawa on 28 June 2011 between the Government of Kiribati (GoK) (all central and line ministries) and Government of Australia (Australian Agency for International Development [AusAID] and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade).

This report summarises the Partnership Talks held in 2011, including pre-Talk discussions and analysis contained in the Context, Progress and Issues Paper. The report has been jointly prepared by the two governments, with the support of an independent facilitator.

Australia–Kiribati Partnership for Development Report 2011 [PDF 211 kb]

Australia–Kiribati Partnership for Development Report 2011 [Word 101 kb]

Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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