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Australia Middle East NGOs Cooperation Agreement: Final Design

Summary of publication

This document presents a comprehensive approach to the development of the design of the AMENCA Phase 2 Cooperation Agreement–as prescribed in the Terms of Reference (TORs) presented in Attachment 1.

The design process builds on the AMENCA Review (April 2007) and has included further consultations with staff in AusAID IMEA Section; Community and Business Partnerships (CBP) Section; staff at the Australian representative Office in Ramallah; and the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID).

The objective of the AMENCA Program design process is to assist AusAID to establish the AMENCA 2 NGO Cooperation Agreement (CA) by undertaking two main tasks.

  • Developing AMENCA2 Concept Paper/ Guidelines for NGOs–including a management framework of the AMENCA2– suitable for the request to Australian NGOs to submit a capacity statement for the AMENCA2.
  • Provide input into the assessment of the NGO design documents and subsequently prepare a program implementation description, including a synthesis of the NGO design documents (submitted through the above tender process) under the agreed management framework and suitable for AusAID peer review.

This document represents the completion of Task 1 and its structure reflects a program design approach to the CA and therefore includes the following key sections:

  • Section 2–Situation Analysis and Rationale
  • Section 3–AMENCA2 Program Description: Goal, Objectives and Components
  • Section 4–Program Management–Management Structure and Timeframes, Capacity Statement Process, Design Process, Resources, Program Performance (including proformas for design and reporting)
  • Section 5–Risk, Sustainability and Feasibility

Attachment 2 provides the overall timeline for the AMENCA2 Program from Draft document stage through to AMENCA2 project implementation.

Full publication

Australia Middle East NGOs Cooperation Agreement - Final Design [PDF 315 KB]

Last Updated: 26 November 2012
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