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Australia - World Bank Philippines Development Trust Fund: Evaluation Report

Summary of publication

This evaluation assesses the performance of the trust fund (2009-2019) in terms of its achievements, effectiveness, efficiency and relevance. It also provides recommendations and lessons learned which would help to inform the design of a new trust fund.

The report highlights that the trust fund (AUD 47.1 million) has played an important role in establishing a longstanding and meaningful collaboration between Australia and the World Bank in the Philippines, including by providing high quality and harmonised development assistance to the Philippines Government. The fund has succeeded in remaining flexible and relevant through three Philippines development plans, Australia country strategies, and World Bank partnership strategies. The programmatic structure of the fund has furthermore allowed it to be flexible and responsive to evolving needs of the Philippines. A number of outcomes from grants implemented in the early years of the fund have been sustained over time and laid solid foundations for future policy reforms.

Full publication

Last Updated: 11 January 2019
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