This publication provides the strategic framework to guide the direction and delivery of Australia's overseas aid program over the next ten years.
Australia's overseas aid program aims to help developing countries reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development in line with Australia's national interest.
This White Paper provides the strategic framework to guide the direction and delivery of Australia's overseas aid program over the next ten years.
- Australian Aid: Promoting Growth and Stability - Executive Summary [PDF 205KB]
- Australian Aid: Promoting Growth and Stability - Full publication [PDF 2.861MB]
Australian Aid: Promoting Growth and Stability - Full publication [
- Map: Geographic Distribution of Australian Aid (2005-06 estimate) [PDF 556KB]
- Strategic Framework - A4 card [PDF 89KB]
Major Chapters
- Introduction [PDF 60KB]
- Chapter 2 [PDF 1,596KB]
- Chapter 3 [PDF 60KB]
- Chapter 4 [PDF 57KB]
- Chapter 5 [PDF 167KB]
- Chapter 6 [PDF 76KB]
- Chapter 7 [PDF 984KB]
Background Briefs
These provide further information on the themes and initiatives found in Australian Aid: Promoting Growth and Stability (White Paper)
- Aid Effectiveness [PDF 38KB]
- Combating Corruption [PDF 38KB]
- Delivering Better Education [PDF 38KB]
- Humanitarian Response [PDF 37KB]
- Fragile States [PDF 29KB]
- Delivering Better Health [PDF 38KB]
- Incentives for Performance [PDF 37KB]
- Investing in Infrastructure [PDF 38KB]
- New Partners in Development [PDF 38KB]
- Scholarhsips [PDF 37KB]
- Untying Australian Aid [PDF 28KB]
Analytical Reports
The reports are one of a range of inputs that, along with a variety of detailed consultations assisted in the deliberations on the White Paper.
Analytical reports on key geographic and thematic issues are available as part of the
Companion Volume [PDF 1.67MB].
Obtain a hard copy:
To obtain a hard copy of Australian Aid: Promoting Growth and Stability :
- Contact National Mailing and Marketing
Phone: 02 6269 1050
Fax: 02 6260 2770
Postal address: PO Box 7077, Canberra BC, A.C.T. 2610 - Or
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