Provides a summary of the types of activities that Australia will undertake in the 2008-009 budget.
The 2008-09 Budget announced a package of new measures totalling approximately $1.2 billion to be delivered by AusAID, increasing official development assistance managed by AusAID to $2.9 billion in 2008-09. The Scope of Initiatives provide a summary of the types of activities that AusAID will undertake through these new measures.
- Access to Clean Water and Sanitation [PDF 158KB]
- Adaptation to Climate Change [PDF 162KB]
- Fighting Avoidable Blindness [PDF 157KB]
- Investing in Pacific Public Sector Capacity [PDF 161KB]
- Iraq Humanitarian and Reconstruction Assistance [PDF 157KB]
- Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility [PDF 161KB]
- UN Partnerships for the MDGs [PDF 160KB]
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