The Concept Report outlines a proposal for AusAID to fund Local Economic Infrastructure in the conflict and flood-affected northern and eastern areas of Sri Lanka. (2011, 41pp)
The Concept Report outlines a proposal for AusAID to establish a Local Economic Infrastructure Program (LEIP) in the conflict and flood-affected northern and eastern areas of Sri Lanka.
The document sets out a proposed five-year program (2010-2015) with a total budget of up to A$38.55 million. The program includes support for rehabilitation and construction of new infrastructure, capacity building for infrastructure development and management by public institutions and utilities at district and provincial level, aimed at improving the income and livelihoods of people living in some of the poorest regions of the country. It is proposed that the program be delivered through a partnership with the World Bank.
Concept Report for Local Economic Infrastructure in the North East [PDF 1.48mb]
Concept Report for Local Economic Infrastructure in the North East [Word 2.10mb]