Research Report: An examination of practical experiences of peace practitioners.
Author: Mary B. Anderson & Lara Olson with assistance from
Kristin Doughty, The Collaborative for Development Action
Confronting War: Critical Lessons for Peace Practitioners is the product of
the Reflecting on Peace Practice Project: a three-year examination of practical
experiences of peace practitioners. Through a collaborative learning
effort that included case studies, workshops and issues paper, over two hundred
international, national, and local peace agencies pooled their experience and
their wisdom to reflect on, assess, and learn more about the practice of
The paper represents the authors' thoughts and conclusions from looking
across agencies, conflicts and belief systems. The paper address's
issues of understanding and improving the effectiveness of peace practice
including peace partnerships: how outsider and insider peace agencies can best
work together. The paper also analyses how these issues affect peace
programming and offers advice on how to improve the effectiveness of dialogue
projects, peace training and funding mechanisms.
The Collaborative for Development Action Inc is a consulting agency based in
Cambridge, Massachusetts that focuses on the role of third party actors in
conflict or post-conflict contexts.
Confronting War: Critical Lessons for Peace Practitioners [External link PDF 501KB]
Available: Electronic version only
This report was commissioned by AusAID. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of AusAID or the Australian Government.
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