This Aid Statement of Principles underpins a partnership between DFAT and commercial contractors supporting delivery of the Australian aid program to:
1. Deliver lasting results and impact
We will deliver sustainable impacts and verifiable results through:
- open strategic dialogue to improve effectiveness
- early and ongoing contributions to program strategy and design
- ensuring knowledge and learning from successful programs is shared and leveraged
- effective use of monitoring and evaluation frameworks to report results achieved against performance targets
- strong sub-contractor management.
2. Maximise value for money
We will deliver and demonstrate value for money to ensure the effective, efficient and economical use of aid funds through:
- maximising results at a competitive cost
- supporting continuous improvement in design and delivery, to enhance results and build collaboration
- applying good business practices and high ethical standards accompanied by rigorous program monitoring
- trialling innovative delivery approaches and working collaboratively to adopt successful approaches.
3. Work collaboratively and facilitate effective two way communication
We will work collaboratively to share knowledge and build professional relationships by:
- maintaining open, honest and timely communication
- raising and resolving issues early
- encouraging contestability
- sharing lessons learnt
- identifying, celebrating and communicating our achievements.
4. Be accountable and transparent
We will take responsibility for our actions and decisions, results and outcomes, through:
- openly sharing information and results to enable evaluation of activities
- supporting DFAT to better report results and the impact of the aid program.
5. Effectively manage risk, fraud and corruption
We will safeguard taxpayer funds and minimise fiduciary risk by:
- implementing robust risk management and financial management systems
- developing a shared understanding of risk
- identifying, reporting and managing risk, fraud and corruption early
- effective sub-contractor selection, due diligence and monitoring.
6. Support and implement DFAT policies and procedures
We will support implementation of DFAT policies and priorities to enhance the effectiveness of the aid program through:
- providing feedback to enhance policy and program effectiveness
- proactively aligning with changing DFAT priorities
- advancing Australian development policies, values and goals in all programs.
DFAT Aid Statement of Principles (PDF 127kb)
DFAT Aid Statement of Principles (Word 60kb)