Summary of publication
A Mid Term Review of the Fiji Community Development Program was undertaken to ensure accountability in assessing contractor performance for the first 3-year phase of the FCDP program (Phase 1: May 2012-May 2015). The Program is being implemented through a managing contractor, Coffey International. The managing contractor is responsible for distributing and tracking a variety of CSO grants for service delivery and strengthening CSO capacity to deliver effective, demand-driven services. The MTR was a key independent assessment used to determine whether to take the option to extend the existing contract with Coffey International for the next 2-year phase of the program (2015-17). The review was also used to inform DFAT on how to effectively improve program performance for FCDP Phase 2, with a focus on management systems and the quality of the program delivery.
Full publication
- Mid Term Review Report [PDF 495 KB]
- Mid Term Review Report [Word 223 KB]
- Management response [PDF 37 KB]
- Management response [Word 112 KB]