The AusAID–NGO Humanitarian Partnership Agreements (HPA) Framework is the design document for the AusAID–NGO Humanitarian Partnership Agreements (HPA) 2011–2014. (2010, 22pp)
The AusAID–NGO Humanitarian Partnership Agreements (HPA) Framework is the design document for the AusAID–NGO Humanitarian Partnership Agreements (HPA) 2011–2014. The HPA is the formal mechanism for engagement between AusAID and six selected accredited Australian NGOs (ANGOs) in rapid-onset humanitarian emergency responses. HPA also provides the mechanism for collaboration on programmed Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Capacity Building initiatives implemented by these ANGOs. The six HPA NGO partners are CARE Australia, Caritas Australia, Oxfam Australia, Plan International Australia, Save the Children Australia, and World Vision Australia. The HPA embodies a robust collaborative approach with:
- streamlined funding processes
- greater program and funding visibility
- increased focus on ANGO coordination and responsibility
- increased emphasis on consistency with humanitarian guiding principles and best practice
- strengthened inclusion of gender, disability, and child protection considerations in all activities
- an emphasis on providing vulnerable women, men, girls and boys the opportunity to participate as partners in all aspects and stages of all activities
- enhanced DRR and DRM Capacity Building in support of the emergency response component to reduce vulnerability, enhance resilience, and strengthen preparedness and response capacity
- joint planning and assessments, real-time evaluations and peer reviews
- broader monitoring and evaluation arrangements that provide for reflection on the nature and quality of the HPA partnership as well as the impact of individual and collective initiatives.
The anticipated outcomes of the HPA are:
- quick turnaround of emergency response funding – the target being 24-48 hours from the call to HPA ANGOs for proposals to advice of funding decision
- better decision making and more flexible, targeted, coordinated and accountable emergency responses
- reduced community vulnerability and enhanced resilience to disasters
- strengthened DRM capacities and systems of HPA ANGOs and their in-country NGO partners.
Humanitarian Partnership Agreement Framework [PDF 70.5kb]
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