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Australia-UNICEF Education Assistance to Papua and Papua Barat: Independent progress review

Summary of publication

This independent progress review focussed on evaluating the program against three criteria: effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability.

Following the request of Government of Indonesia (GoI) in 2006 for donor assistance for Papua, Australia committed to support education development in the provinces of Papua and Papua Barat. It was agreed that the support would be delivered through UNICEF. The program design was developed collaboratively with UNICEF during 2009 and is broadly consistent with the concept document jointly agreed with the GoI in May 2009.

The designed goal and objectives were refined during the inception period and are reflected in the performance management framework, the goal being to contribute to improved quality of primary education in Papua and Papua Barat through strengthened education planning, teaching practices and schools management. This is delivered through 2 program components:

  1. To assist the education offices in Tanah Papua and 6 targeted districts to strengthen education planning.
  2. To improve teaching practices and school management in targeted schools in 6 districts in Tanah Papua.

End of program outcomes include:

  • Education Strategic Plans and Annual Work Plans developed or improved in 2 provinces and 6 districts
  • Education offices preparing and implementing integrated strategic plans and annual work plans using participatory methods
  • Education offices using reliable data for planning, program implementation and monitoring and evaluation
  • Improved teaching processes, school management and community participation in targeted urban and peri-urban primary schools through implementation of MBS
  • Teachers in target rural and remote schools have enhanced skills and confidence in multigrade teaching (Grades 1 to 6)
  • Teachers in small schools have enhanced skills and confidence in early grade teaching of literacy and numeracy (Grades 1 to 3)

This independent progress review focussed on evaluating the program against three criteria: effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. In addition the evaluation reviewed evidence for relevance, monitoring and evaluation, as well as analysis and learning. The evaluation was conducted by an independent team. Participatory and formative approaches were used. Consultations included 58 women and 104 men from Jakarta agencies, Papua and Papua Barat Provinces as well as Biak, Jayapura, Jayawijaya and Manokwari Districts and 12 schools between February 12 and 25, 2012. A formal counter-factual approach was not used. National agencies including BAPPENAS and MoEC were consulted as well as dialogue partners such as the World Bank, USAID and UNICEF. Documented outputs from UNICEF and its regional partners, activity reports and some field results were reviewed. The detailed evaluation plan is annexed to the report.

Full publication

Independent progress review [PDF 798 KB]

Last Updated: 8 January 2014
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