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Indonesia Aid Program Performance Report 2015-16

Summary of publication

The 2015-16 Indonesia Aid Program Performance Report outlines progress against the three objectives which Indonesia and Australia have prioritised under our economic partnership: effective economic governance and infrastructure; human development for a productive and healthy society; and an inclusive society through effective governance.

Australia's focus over the past year was the continuing transition of our development program to a mature economic partnership. We provide policy and technical advice to support Indonesia's reform agenda and its efforts to use its substantial resources in the most effective way. Our investments help identify opportunities and trial new ways of doing things. The program is largely on track and performing as expected.

In 2015-16, Australia's total official development assistance budget to Indonesia was $379.2 million. DFAT leads and coordinates Australia's development program in Indonesia, with more than 20 other Australian Government agencies working with their Indonesian counterparts.

Full publication

Last Updated: 30 August 2016
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