This is the Indonesia-Australia Forest Carbon Partnership (IAFCP) Independent Progress Report and the management response to the report.
In line with recommendations from an independent review conducted in March 2011, the Sumatra Forest Carbon Partnership (SFCP) will not proceed as originally planned. No on-the-ground work has been undertaken on the SFCP.
The Indonesia-Australia Forest Carbon Partnership (IAFCP) has a budget of up to $100 million. The Australian and Indonesian Governments are currently discussing alternative approaches to work in Sumatra under this partnership.
AusAID conducts independent reviews of its aid activities, such as the one undertaken for the IAFCP, to independently assess progress and make recommendations to improve performance and ensure that program outcomes are being achieved, local communities are benefiting, and aid funding achieves value for money.
Independent Progress Report
This is the Indonesia-Australia Forest Carbon Partnership (IAFCP) Independent Progress Report (IPR). The report offered five headline recommendations: 1. address institutional constraints impacting on the efficiency and effectiveness of program implementation; 2. review activity budgets and the timeframe for implementation, including a sustainability strategy beyond 2013; 3. review the proposal for a second site specific demonstration project in Sumatra and consider alternative options; 4. develop a communications strategy, including a website and establishment of a knowledge network to capture lessons learned and support policy development; and, 5. consider establishment of a Challenge Fund to leverage private sector financing and support a portfolio of activities, to strengthen and expand REDD+ initiatives.
IAFCP Independent Progress Report [PDF 222kb]
Independent Progress Report–Annexes
This document contains the six Annexes that formed part of the independent progress report for the Indondesia-Australia Forest Carbon Partnership (IAFCP).
IAFCP Independent Progress Report–Annexes [PDF 350kb]
Independent Progress Report–Management response
This is the management response to the independent progress report for the Indonesia-Australia Forest Carbon Partnership (IAFCP) Independent Progress Report - Management Response. AusAID and the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE) who jointly considered the IPR findings, agree with four of the five headline recommendations. Action is now underway to progress these. AusAID and DCCEE partially agreed with Recommendation 5, to consider the establishment of a Challenge Fund.
IAFCP Independent Progress Report–Management response [PDF 40kb]