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Mid Term Review of the Vanuatu Kastom Governance Partnership Program

A 2012 evaluation of Australia's support to customary governance in Vanuatu.


The Vanuatu Kastom Governance Partnership Program (VKGP) is a partnership between Australia, the University of Queensland and the Malvatumauri Vanuatu National Council of Chiefs. VKGP began as a pilot project in 2005 and ended in 2013. This mid-term review is part of a cluster evaluation which also includes the Vanuatu Media Strengthening Program (Vois Blong Yumi) and the Vanuatu Church Partnership Program. The VKGP review was conducted in 2012.

Mid Term Review of the Vanuatu Kastom Governance Partnership Program (PDF 621kb)
Mid Term Review of the Vanuatu Kastom Governance Partnership Program (Word 716kb

Last Updated: 15 April 2014
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