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Mid-term Review of the Vanuatu Women's Centre Phase 5 (April 2010)

Summary of publication

Assesses activity achievements and progress of the Vanuatu Women's Centre mid-way through the fifth phase (supported jointly by Australia and New Zealand), and recommends whether or not New Zealand should fund an additional two years.

Key findings of the review are that the program: is increasing community acceptance that violence against women and children is a violation of human rights; is well managed, with comprehensive monitoring and support for the national program; is reaching urban and village based women, men and children with world best practice in reducing gender-based violence (including effectively combining access to justice, support services, awareness and education elements to drive social change). The recommendations highlight the importance of strengthening and consolidating the existing program, and improving the quality of individual components (e.g. through strengthened support to rural areas, continued improvements in counselling, expansion of Committees Against Violence Against Women and male advocacy, and reviewing the community education and awareness component). The review also recommends securing and building a permanent purpose-built home for the Vanuatu Women's Centre in Port Vila and, if possible, its branches in Luganville and Tanna.

Full publication

Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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