Research report: Investigates New Zealand's experience with migration from Pacific countries.
Authors: Charles W. Stahl, Conjoint Associate Professor, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Newcastle and Reginald T. Appleyard, Emeritus Professor, Business School, University of Western Australia.
This study investigates New Zealand's experience with migration from Pacific countries. It updates a similar study by the same two authors in 1995. The report begins with a literature survey on the relationship between development and migration in the Pacific.
It then provides an overview of New Zealand immigration policies towards the Pacific, and an analysis of the socio-economic status of Pacific Islanders in New Zealand.
The final chapter of the report concludes with lessons from the New Zealand experience.
Migration and Development in the Pacific Islands - Full report [PDF 383KB]
Available: Electronic version only
This report was commissioned by AusAID. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of AusAID or the Australian Government.
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